Avoiding Commitment

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MJAM: Hey guys, here's Chapter 10. I spent all class period finishing it, even though I'm supposed to be doing something else. Just for you guys though, I haven't done any of my work. I'll do it for homework. Maybe.


He was a younger version of the king- shocking white hair, light purple eyes with silver design in them, and pointed ears- and also a pretty good dancer, better than I was. 'It's pleasure to finally meet you, Dear Sister." He spoke low enough for only me to hear.

"Who are you?" My forehead wrinkled in mild puzzlement.

"Dirano, we share the same father." He smiled at me, sending a shiver down my spine. Suddenly I stumbled a step and felt my ears burn at the increase of the courtier' gazes on me. Dirano chuckled. "A little clumsy, aren't you? Careful, wouldn't want you to fall on your pretty little face now, would we?" He smirked, his words held a sarcastic edge.

I scowled, opening my mouth to reply. He spun me before I could say anything and I found myself in the arms of his carbon copy- despite the fact that this one was skinnier with longer hair.

"Hello beautiful," he smirked, eying my chest.

"Let me guess, you must be another of my half-brothers." My eyes narrowed as I studied him warily.

"Think of me only as Prince Travys, beautiful."

"My name's Demie."

"Of course it is." His hand slipped down, past my waist, squeezing my ass.

"Fuck you!" I hissed, stiffening.

"Please do, beautiful." His eyes expressed his amusement at my expense.

Thankful that the song was ending, I stepped away from him and curtsied, glaring at his feet. "Fucking prick." I muttered, ignoring the proper etiquette that had been drilled into me all week. Turning on my heel, I made my way over to the refreshment, ignoring his stare.

Across the room, Deix danced with the Queen of Ahln, his mother. I watched as they glided across the floor, deep in conversation. I looked away, not wanting to intrude on their private moment, and reached for a cup of punch.

"You shouldn't drink that.' A little girl's voice stopped me. I looked down to see a head poking out of the table . "Its faerie wine; it makes the adults act weird."

"Thanks for the warning." I sat the cup back down, quickly, feeling stupid for almost drinking something without even knowing what it was. "Who are you?"

"I'm Isa." The little girl grinned. Another head popped out.

"I'm Myo." her twin smiled.

"We're your sisters." They said together. I nodded, noticing the fact that my royal family all had white hair and light purple eyes- my dark purple eyes being the only exception. Deix's, on the other hand, had black hair with light green eyes.

"Why are you hiding under the table?" I asked them, curious.

"We're not supposed to be here." One of them said.

"We're eleven," said the other.

"And you have to be 13 to attend a ball."

"So we snuck in."

"But we're really hungry."

"And we can't reach the food."

"Not without someone seeing."

"Hold on, I'll get you something." I said, deciding that I liked them more than I did my brothers. Taking a plate, I began to pile as much food as possible on it, not caring if anyone saw and thought I was a pig. Then, making sure no one was watching, I set the plate on the floor next to the table. A hand reached out and slid it under the long tablecloth.

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