Chapter 5: This isnt Good pt. 1

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New chapter! I plan on updating another chapter either tonight or tomorrow, this is part 1 to the next two story parts. So happy readings, and much love

I woke up and checked the time it was already around noon my head was throbbing and my stomach is churning. I quickly got up and rush to the toilet to spell my bodily contents into it.
I remembered what I had done last night and was horrified. I drank in a bar next to a contagious virus that I could possibly contract. I was so Stupid.

Before my thoughts could let me finish I went over the bowl to vomit once again. I felt horrible. I vomited and coughed simultaneously and just regretted all of my life's choices. Yesterday couldn't have been any worse. First, all my friends find out about me and Derek and one of them ends up hating me. Second there was flu going around the hospital, which is high risk for me to get. And third I found out the man that I was falling for and had been sleeping with for over a month has a wife. Finally I got intoxicated for the first time and I am now spilling my bodily fluids into a toilet bowl. Couldn't get any better, right?

I began to cough rapidly and remembered that it was now noon, it's been over 26 hours since I last took my medication. I walked into my bedroom searching for my purse and it was no where to be found. I slowly stumbled down the stairs still coughing greatly. My lungs needed air and I couldn't give it to them. I went in the foyer and found my bag. I ripped it open and searched for my Lisinopril. I found it and injected the needle, I didn't have time to wrap my arm and pop out my vein so I went in blind, there was a small indent from the spot I put it every day. Thankfully I put it in the right spot and my coughing died down.

I swore, right then and there, that I was never going to drink ever again. It was bad enough how I felt the next morning and I didn't need my already weak liver to become leather. My mom would have disappointed. That reminded me that I hadn't seen my mother since I had dropped her off at the home. I wanted to bust her but it wouldn't be best if I was hung over.

Izzie was still in her room doing who knows what and George's car was gone, he must have gone out, but none of us had to work today so unless he was putting in extra hours, which I assumed not, he was just gone. I couldn't even tell if he was still angry with me. I mean, he does know about Miss perfect red hair, so is he really all still that mad?

I shuffled to the kitchen slowly, my head still pounding from the senseless booze I had last night, how could people even enjoy that crap? It was very unpleasant in my opinion from my first experience. I popped a slice of bread in the toaster and put a skillet on the stove, preparing to make simple scrambled eggs. I thought Izzy might enjoy some too so I walked up the stairs to her bedroom and knocked.

"Izzie? I'm making breakfast, do you want some?" I shouted after knocking. No reply.

"Izzie?" I questioned while slowly opening the door. And was astonished to see Alex and Izzie lying in the same bed naked.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry!" I shouted as they both sprang up and pulled the covers over themselves. It was honestly quite hilarious.

"MEREDOTH! Cant you knock?" Izzie exclaimed. I heard them rumbling around the room, probably searching for their clothing.

"I did knock, you guys just didn't answer." I said while laughing hysterically. Izzie slammed the door open and she was angry.

"How did you even manage to sneak him in the house without George noticing." I laughed. I honestly didn't care about there sex life but I knew George would. He seemed to care about everyone's sex life, but maybe it was just mine he cared about, who knows.

"I didn't have to sneak him, he was already here because he had to drive you home after to drank your sorrows away after 'McDreamy." She informed me. I frowned remembering the many events that had taken place the night before.

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