Chapter 26: Fill the Cracks

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You are not alone- Michael Jackson

New chapter! Exited for it, I know y'all are as well. Humble, I know. But seriously I hope y'all enjoy it, and I'll possible update before the Fourth of July, I have no idea.

As always, music is optional, much love and happy readings!

"Mark!" Derek shouted as he saw his best for Ed walking down the halls, well it would be determined whether they were best friends or not. Mark pausing in his track and look behind him to see Derek walking over to him quickly.

"Shep, it's-" before he could talk Derek had thrown a punch right into his nose, mark could hear the large crack as fist and face came in contact. It was the fourth time Derek had punched him in this hospital.

"Derek! What the hell." Mark could hear someone on his left before he dove into Derek and knocked him into the floor, knocking him right in the chin with his own fist.

"You son of a bitch.." Derek muttered while felling his chin, revealing blood splattered on his fingertips.

"You hit me first." Mark spoke while standing up. Addison was thankful it was a one punch and go situation so they wouldn't have to deal with a full on fist fight.

"You slept with my wife... again!" Derek shouted while standing up on his own and groaning while applying light pressure to his gushing chin. Unfortunately, many nurses and doctors had been standing by as he uttered those words. Great.

"What the hell is wrong with you guys!" Addison shouted while tending to marks twisted nose. Derek scoffed and gave in to the help of a random resident. Both heading over to the ER and lying in two hospital beds, right next to each other. Derek was pointing, refusing to look his gaze towards mark, while they awaiting someone to come stitch up their injuries.

"Look Derek..."

"Don't." Derek cut him off. Mark sighed and looked at a nurse, directly in the eye. He wasn't the type to get to know the nurses but he could tell it was nurse Carolina with her blonde curled hair giving her the death glare. She usually worked up in oncology but it seemed she was working in the ER today.


"Shut up, mark."

"No! Let me finish! I'm sorry man, okay. I'm sorry I slept with your horny wife that you payed no attention too! But I swear to god if this get in between us.. again.. I don't know! Alright! But don't act like you care all that much. You've been wanting to divorce her this entire time and you know it. She knows it. I just helped you get there..." mark yelled in a whisper to be sure no nearby passerby would overhear.

"Mark.. I really tried to fix things with her.. I wasn't trying to be distant!" Derek replied.

"You think I care what or what not you were trying to do? No man I don't need your excuses. I don't care what you do in your free time but you shouldn't have dragged Addison on like that." Mark replied, more calm. Less strain on his voice.

"Like you should be talking." Derek said bitterly.

"Excuse me?" He asked confused.

"Oh I love you, Meri. You've gotta wake up because I won't survive, I love you. Bullshit." Derek mocked. Mark looked at him with wide eyes as his eyebrows furrowed. He stayed silent. "You cheated on her mark! The women you supposedly love after what, six weeks? You cheated on her! While she was in a hospital bed! What does that say about you? Huh? You shouldn't have dragged her on like that Derek. Blah blah blah. Bullshit mark. Bull freaking shit." Derek rambled on bitterly while turning his gaze away once again as a random resident had come to stitch his slightly less bleeding face, and one had come to check if marks nose was broken.

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