Chapter 28: Fooled Once Again

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I Will Wait-Mumford & sons

Welcome back guys! Got this finished for now, next chapter should be up sooner than my past updates! Much love and happy readings!

Meredith's eyes opened, expecting to see what people would call heaven, but was met with a bright, blurry room with white walls. She squinted her eyes and slowly adjusted to the brightness. Searching the room for anything, noticing someone with thick curly hair inspecting the chart. She tried to speak out to them, let them know she was there but quickly noticed the thick tube down her throat.

"Meredith?" Cristina questioned walking over to her. Her eyes were glossy and tired. She weakly lifted her hand and pointed to the tube in her mouth.

"I'll get that out in one moment." Cristina almost screamed with joy, quickly walking over to the chart and jotting something down, clicking a button on her pager and coming back over.

"It seems like your breathing over the vent, just cough when your ready." She smiled at Meredith. Meredith coughed right then, it was soft and weak but it worked.

"Good." She smiled down at her. Meredith breathed deeply, her throat scratchy and weak.

"Wha-" She tried to speak but her throat just croaked. Cristina quickly handed her a glass of water with a bendy straw, Meredith just sipped slowly.

"What's- what hap-happened." She whispered. Her throat was dry, lungs felt empty, and there was still a slight ping of pain in her chest, but it was less much pronounced then the last time she remembered.

"We almost lost you but we got you a heart just in time." She smiled. Meredith looked down slightly, seeing the peak of white bandages from under her gown.

"How long?" Meredith questioned, coughing lightly while Cristina lifted the head of her bed.

"It's January 4. You've been out for a little bit less than four days." She smiled. Meredith nodded, swallowing the thickness in her throat slightly.


"Yup, it sucks. The stupid mercy westers act like they own the place." She rolled her eyes. Meredith smiled.
"It's pretty chaotic out there." She smiled while changing her bag of fluids.

The LVAD machine and cannula were gone, her body felt lighter, now instead of the many tubes, wires, and catheters, she had the feeding tube in your stomach and a catheter for her bladder, she felt a sort of freedom with the lightweight.

"You get to rest today, but tomorrow Burke wants you to get up and move around a little. Even if you can't walk quite yet from your leg, just something to keep your blood pumping." Cristina stated while gripping Meredith's foot, noticing her unfocused and droopy eyes. Although she had been out for the past four days she looked exhausted. With all the strain on her body in the past couple months she needed the rest.

"I'll be back later, try to sleep." Cristina said with a smile before shutting out the light and watching Meredith's eyes fall shut. She couldn't wait to tell the others the news.


"Hi." Cristina whispered while walking into a dark conference room.

"Hi." A sad voice croaked. It was Izzie, her blonde hair was ruffled and her face was tear stained.

"I have good news." Cristina smiled. Izzie snorted and ssniffed loudly.

"I don't think there could be much good news left for me." She said sadly, facing Cristina, who could now see the large bags and runny mascara on her cheek.

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