Chapter 12: Take Away the Pain

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Hurt- Christina Aguilera

Very happy to be publishing twice in the same day, I always am. This chapter is very emotional in my opinion, quite a roller coaster. We show perspectives of a couple different people but mostly Meredith's one again.

Music is optional as always, I try my best to match it with the chapter but it isn't a necessity. Much love and happy readings!

I was jolted awake in the center of my nap to have a pitted feeling course my abdomen. I harshly shook Mark to try and wake him from his light sleep.

"B-bucket." I muttered. He quickly got up and handed me the purple, plastic bucket. I vomited up the small portion of food she had earlier and continued to vomit. Mark was lightly rubbing circle in my back. Once I was calmed I set the bucket on the night stand next to the hospital bed.
"S-sorry." I muttered weakly.

"Hey, don't apologize it's okay. Your sick, you can't help it." He said sadly while lightly rubbing my arm. I nodded and circled up into a little ball in the bed just as my phone began to ring.

"Hello?" Mark asked while picking up the file.

"Oh Dr. Sloan, is Meredith there? I need to talk to her." Richard said on the other end of the line.

"She is but I don't know if she's up to talk just now. She just vomited quite a lot, she's feeling very tired..." Mark explained wearily.

"Who is it?" I muttered, Mark put the phone to his chest before talking to muffle their sounds on Richards end of the line.


"Give me t-he phone." I said while wearing pulling myself up to a sitting position.

"Alright..." he muttered skeptically before handing me the small device.

"Richard?" I questioned.

"Meredith, I'm here with your mother.. she knows about the Alzheimer's and is pretty upset but I haven't told her anything else yet.."

"We shouldn't tell her." I suggested.

"Why not? Don't you think she would like to know."

"Well they said it was temporary right? So we shouldn't have to burden her short time here with us w-worrying about me." I explained sadly.

"Meredith... she would want to know.. she has a right to know.." he replied in the same side tone.

"It's not like she can see me, and I can't come see her either. She... she doesn't even remember my name on others days, there's no way she will remember any of it so what's the point?" I said sadly with a hint of bitterness. I was still bitter from the effects of her Alzheimer's.


"Fine tell her. You can let her know that I'm sick and could die and that she probably won't remember in the next couple hours, but I will not be the one telling her." I exclaimed slightly mad. I don't know where my spurts of anger were coming from and I really didn't mean any of it, it just happened.

"Alright Meredith, I'm sorry.. do you want to talk to her?" He questioned.

"Yeah just call me back in a m-minute." I muttered while feeling my throat retract once again. I quickly hung up, not letting Richard speak another word before turning to my side and pulling the bucket back off the table. I reched into the vile smelling bin before relaxing my tenses muscles once again.

"Shh it's okay." Mark soothed while taking the bucket and walked into the he bathroom to empty and clean it. I sighed deeply and picked back up my phone and filed Richard agin.

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