Chapter 31: Chasing our Feats

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Unsteady- x Ambassadors

Y'all better be happy bout this bc I stayed up till 1:30 am writing this. Music is optional as always.

Enjoy the chapter! Much love and happy readings!

"Just stay still Meredith." Derek spoke into the mic that connected them with the CT machine in the other room. They had already run tested on her hearts function and gotten blood work results, everything was clear. Now they just needed to ensure her tumor was not reappearing so you could sign your discharge papers.

"Yup." You sighed while looking up at the white machine, a couple inches from your face, it's not like you've never done this before.

You sat silently as you heard the loud bur of the machine surrounding you. Even though you were optimistic, your stomach still rattled with nerves out of fear that the tumor had began to return.

Once the machine stopped, your breath hitched. The room was silent. The machine began to eject the platform you sat upon, allowing your body to resurface into the open room. You looked up at Amelia who had a large smile on her features.

"Good?" You questioned quietly as Amelia helped your weak body sit upright.

"Amazing. No tumor." She said happily. You exhaled deeply with a sense of closure.

"So I get to go home?" You questioned hopefully. Amelia smiled while nod while helping your slightly stronger body transfer to the wheelchair.

"Yup. Cristina and George said they'll stay home with you for the rest of the day before you come back tomorrow. I'm not sure about Izzie though.." Amelia explained while pushing you out of the room as you placed the thin floral dressing over your pale scalp.

"Okay." You sighed lightly while shifting in the chair as she pushed you at of the room and down the long corridor till you were taken back into your room. There was a bag with the belongings you had in the hospital packed and comfy clothing set upon your hospital bed.

"Cristina picked out some sweats for you to change into." Amelia said while walking over to the clothes and handing them to you in the chair. You looked tot he bathroom door in the room and saw it was shut, assuming Cristina was in there doing her business.

"Let me get Bailey and your discharge papers." Amelia smiled while quickly exiting the room. You grunted while nudging your chair to the bathroom door and knocking as harshly as your weak hand would.

"Cris? You in there?" You questioned, immediately hearing the tap turn on and a muffled voice speaking 'one minute' silently.

You sat silently as you listened to her rumble on the other side of the door. Hearing the top of paper towel and the jangle of the door before she opened it quickly.

"Could you help me get dressed?" You questioned quietly. It was mentally degrading of course to even have to ask that question. But you needed help and it's not let she's never seen your body before.


-2 and a half weeks later-

"Meredith, what are you doing?" George questioned while walking into Meredith's new bedroom they had been using since she couldn't go up stairs. It was her mothers old room.

"I'm coming." She said while wheeling her wheelchair towards the door. Her hand was getting stronger and she was now able to wheel herself. Today Dr. Torres and Dr. Sommers we're both helping her to get fitted her handheld crutches so she would be able to walk around slightly better.

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