Chapter 24: At Last

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Sleeping at last- Saturn

Hey guys, It has by far been the longest time block in between updates and I am so sorry about that! I've had intense writers block but it's ready now.

(Re-read the end of the previous chapter if you need a larger recap)

Music is optional as always, song is a little sad, much love and happy readings!

"Aw shit." He swore while reading the results. This was certainly not good...

She had a infection grousing through her body, a variant form some cold symptoms. It explained the wheeziness, fever, coughing and so on. She was already high risk with only her ASD and everything else combined wasn't good. The IL2 treatment could cause many things, and the heart condition and palpitations were definitely not a good mix. Cristina peered at the file over his shoulder and frowned.

"Get Bailey out of there. If anyone goes in there they must be wearing gloves, gown, and a mask. She is high risk for many infections, she's already got a small one forming in her bloodstream. Cristina leant her head in and called Bailey out. Allowing Bailey to tell Meredith she would be back.

"What? What is it?" She questioned after seeing their extremely worried faces.

"We need to put her on isolation hold for at least three days, start threshold pressors and run full dosage antibiotics, she has a infection that can cause her to become systolic." Burke explained while taping a large sign to her door that read in large red letters.

"Do not enter without proper body covering; including mask, gloves, and skin baring gown. Time limit: 20 minutes."

And at The very bottom in smaller letters it read;

"If required longer assessment PPE is mandatory."

"Even after her three day hold I want every person entering that room wearing mask and gloves, they can just stay for longer periods." Burke explained briefly. "This could be very terminal because she is so high risk, we have to take all precautions necessary. She is already immunocompromised permanently, she has been her entire life, it will be extremely difficult for her to fight off the infection." Burke emphasized the word extremely. Bailey frowned largely as did Cristina. The infection probably hadn't formed until recently but escalated very quickly.

"So what are supposed to do if we need to treat her?" Bailey said very sadly. Cristina sucked up the tears that threatened to spill.

"We will make sure needed supplies are outside her room, I need one of you to tell her the news." Burke stated before going off to grab some things off a supply cart, Bailey followed and put on the required health equipment and returned back to Meredith's room and entered with a deep breath.

I looked up from my silenced gaze and saw Bailey return wearing full covering equipment, a small frown formed under the mask covering my features, "What's.. wrong?" I wheezed outward. I could tell Bailey smiled sadly by the crinkle of her forehead.

"You have a small infection, we are taking full precautions." She stated. I could hear the sadness present in her voice. She walked over my if with some medications of sorts. "I'm going to run some antibiotics on full dosages and start you on threshold pressures, try to kill this little disease off." She said while plugging in my odds and ends. My IL2 had ended recently and I was exhausted, I watched through droopy eyes as she plugged in the wires to my IV. My mind was fuzzed over and I couldn't fight off the much needed sleep any longer.


I woke up with the similar feeling of regret and guilt pacing my mind. The thoughts hadn't left since it happened and I couldn't keep it in much longer. I had made a mistake, a big one.

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