Chapter 33: Unexpected Moments

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Yellow - ColdPlay

New chap out! Hope you guys are happy with the quick update. Music is optional, much love and happy readings!

Also! Please leave suggestions for songs, I'm running short on ideas because honestly my taste in music is trash.

Meredith was alone in the learning lab, it was just nearing Seven in the morning and Meredith was taking notes in silence as her food filled through a tube into her stomach.

She looked up at the clock every minute or so. Sighing as her mind truffled in the boredom. She quickly looked up as multiple interns entered the room, they were obviously from mercy west, seeing how she didn't recognize one of them.

"When is Dr. Bailey going to be here?" One with brown hair stated with a groan. The three of them were obviously tired. None of them had noticed Meredith's small figure in the corner.

"It's too early for this." A redhead mumbled while resting her head in her hands. Meredith rose an eyebrow towards the three interns.

"Why do we even have to be here? I want to go home." A mixed man with a mostly bald head groaned.

"If you wanna ho home you can, Dr. Bailey said this was optional since all of the interns worked on call last night." The redhead spoke again.

They all sat in another moment of silence. Meredith snickered lightly as they all looked as if they would fall asleep. She looked at the clock, Bailey would be there in fifteen minutes. She cleared her throat while packing up her things.

The interns head perked at the sudden noise from the corner and looked at the small woman.

"Oh, sorry." The redhead cleared her throat as Meredith wheeled towards an empty lab station.

"You're fine." Meredith smiled while pushing her notebook into the drawer and beginning to discard of her empty feeding bag. She lifted her shirt lightly to undo the tube, making sure to face away so she didn't gross the others out.

She wheeled to the trash can and threw away her items, fixing her head wrap before heading back to the station, now looking towards the shred towards her.

"I'm Dr. Meredith Grey." Meredith held out her hand in converse towards the interns, being as friendly as possible. They had all heard of her name, workers and other members of the hospital spoke about her frequently.

"Hi, I'm Dr. April Kepner." April shook her hand first, smiling lightly as well.

"Uh- Dr. Charles Percy." The brunette smiled as well. Meredith kindly treated them both before wheeling next to the slightly bald one.

"Dr. Jackson Avery." Jackson held out his hand to her first.

"Catherine Avery?" Meredith questioned with a small smile. He nodded as his lips pursed, he didn't like being compared to his family.

"Our mothers used to be quite close." Meredith smiled. While releasing his hand and clasping her own together as her hands were ice cold.

"Who is your mother?" Jackson questioned as merely h wheeled back to her Stanton and gingerly transferred to the taller chair at the station.

"Ellis Grey?" Meredith said while shifting uncomfortably in the high stool.

"Oh, yes. They were." Jackson rose an eyebrow. Their last names were the same but he never expected them to be related.

"Sorry I'm a little late." Bailey spoke while walking into the lab backwards, the four of them sat up straight in their chairs.

"Have you guys all met?" Bailey questioned while setting her items at the head desk. They nodded as she began to prepare her items,

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