Behind The Scenes Of A Perfect Teen

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"Sydeny Ophelia Crofford! Wake up now!" my mother shouts from downstairs. I really don't want to wake up. I groan and roll out of bed. I start getting ready for school. Every morning I take a cute mirror selfie to post on Instagram so everyone can see my fantastic outfit everyday. I have over 10k followers so I have to post as much as possible to keep my popularity. I walk downstairs to the bathroom to brush my teeth and hair. I'm starving but I can't eat breakfast. My parents will seriously get pissed if I do. I'll get a full lecture and they will put me on another diet. I'm already the at the minimum weight I can be and if I lose anymore I'll have an eating disorder. I always have extra time to kill though. I take the extra 15 minutes I have left to text my friend Beatrice. Beatrice was my best friend at my old school before I moved. We were so close then and we are making it work through text and facetime but it's hard. It's time for me to leave so I head to my car. I don't bother to say goodbye to my parents. I never do. We aren't close. I start driving to school, trying not to cry. This happens every morning. I get to school and take a second to breathe so I can mentally prepare for the day. I managed to fake a smile. I walk into school and meet up with Emma by the water fountain. We talk for a bit and then I see him. My amazing boyfriend. He is the only person i know loves me. He comes over and grabs me by the waist. He kisses me and I feel a bit better. Eventually, Raven and Dexter walk in and our group is finally all together. We talk for a little bit and then split up to walk to class. I start the day with my least favorite class. Math class. Me and Trey switch classes in the beginning of the day but there is a ten minute gap so I don't see him. When math is done I head to English and then it's off to lunch. I get through english and math but the time ticked slowly. It finally got to lunch. I grab my stuff as fast as I can and speed walk to the cafeteria. Trey walks in with a big smile on his face. He takes me by the hand and drags me out the door. My curiosity is peaked. "where are we going?" I say with a half fake smile. "It's a surprise!" he says happily. We get to the bus stop. That's when I knew it was gonna be something good. Whenever we go to the bus stop, it usually means we are going on an adventure of some kind. We wait get on the bus and I'm feeling happier. I can feel that he's happy. When we get on the bus there is only one seat so I wanted to do something romantic. I pushed him onto the seat and sat on his lap. I turned and smiled at him, mostly to see if he was okay with it and so he knows I'm happy. He smiled too so I figured it was okay. We get downtown and get up as quick as possible. He starts running so I run to catch up to him. We got to the bunny hop. I was so happy! It's where we had our first date. It was the first day I had felt happy in so long. We go to our seats. The same seats we had since our first date. Maybe this day won't be so bad. Any moment I spend with him makes my days better. When things get rough I'll call him but I'll never admit if I have a problem. I really don't want him to know I have issues with my family. I don't know what he would think. We finish lunch and get back on the bus. This time there is two seats so we sit next to each other. We get back to school and go to our classes. He hugs me and then kissed my cheek to say goodbye. He's the best boyfriend I could ever ask for. I get to class. The time is ticking slowly again. Ugh I can't wait for this day to me over. When it finally gets to the end of the day I grab my stuff as fast as possible and run out the door. Trey is already outside. I go to see him and talk to him a little bit. My brother walks out of the school and when I see him I distract Trey so he can get in the car. My brother, Carson, is the janitor at the school so nobody really sees him or recognize him. Trey thinks it's my dad and I never correct him cause I don't want him to know. Once he's in my car, I get in and let him drive. Nobody sees me drive to school in the morning so nobody knows it's my car. By nobody I mean my friends. They all don't know I have a brother. He walks to school on the morning and then takes my car so he can go to his girlfriend's house. It's not the best but it's not horrible. I don't Trey to ever know. I kiss him before I go. He watches me leave. When we get to Carson's girlfriend's house, we switch seats. Carson gets out of the car and I get in the front seat. I don't want to go home. I would spend some time at his girlfriend, Ellie's house but I don't really like her. She's kind of weird. I drive home. When I get home I run to my room and start working on my homework and call Beatrice. Bea and I do our homework together so we can kind of tutor each other. When we finish, I call Trey and Bea calls her girlfriend Bella. Bella and I have also hated each other. She was a cheerleader  and I wasn't very popular so we didn't really fit together. Bea was the only thing we had in common.  Trey and I talk for a bit and then we both had to go for dinner. I finish dinner and had back to my room. I start changing. I'm already wearing my pyjama top but I don't want to take off my pants. I eventually do take them off. I start peeling off the duck tap I use to make my thighs look smaller and it reveals the scars on my thighs from cutting. Nobody knows that I've been doing this. Nobody can ever know. I need help but I'm too scared to ask for it. I put on my pyjama pants on and hop into bed. I'm 6 months clean. The first time I did it was the summer before I moved. I was dating this guy, Cyrus Baker, and he cheated on me. I was heartbroken. I was clean for 2 months until I found out I was moving. I moved 3 hours away. I lost all my friends except for Bea. I stopped when I met Trey. He made me feel so much better. Me and Trey had got into a really bad fight a few months ago. I was fighting with my parents a lot too. I had relapsed for the second time. I stopped again after 3 months. Now I'm 6 months clean. I cried myself to sleep. "Until tomorrow" I thought.

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