Oh Baby! It's The End

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It's been about 9 months since everything with Emma, Dexter, and Raven. The school year was almost over and the group was thrilled. It's currently June 18th of 2021. Emma was going to have the baby any minute now. She decided she didn't want to know the gender of the baby until. It was born. She took the past month off so she could prepare herself. Raven and Dex were still together without any issues and so were Sydeny and Trey. Syd's parents were gone again so she had the car to herself. She decided to drive the group to school. They get to school and everything's fine. They call Emma when they get to the cafeteria so it's like she's still there with them. When the bell rings they head to their classes. They all immediately start texting their groupchat until lunch. The clock hits 12:30 and they head to the cafeteria. They grab lunch and say hi to the lunch ladies and sit down together. Time for the second call with the soon to be mom. Everything's fine and they start talking and then it happens. "Guys... I think my water broke!" Emma said with horror and worry in her eyes. The group drops everything and runs to the car. Raven runs into the office. The secretary asks where they are all going and she tells them Emma is having the baby. They rush to the hospital. Anthony was following behind us. Emma's parents drove her to the hospital. It was about 12:45 by the time they got there. Only the father was allowed in the room. Dexter goes in the hospital room to support Emma. The others quickly grabbed Dexter's phone and called his dad and brother to get to the hospital. Within 10 minutes they are there. They all called their own parents to tell them what was going on and managed to get out of school for the day. At 9pm on June 18th 2021, Emma and Dexter's daughter was born. They named her Evangeline Renee Lynn. Evangeline was the name of Emma's grandmother and she wanted to honnor her with her baby. Renee was the name the both agreed the liked. They decided to give her Emma's last name considering she was the mother and she wouldn't ever take Dexter's last name. She also had the nicer last name and it fit the nicest with Evangeline Renee. The group was thrilled. A year had past and Evangeline was finally a year old. She had beautiful blue eyes and blond hair. She was smart but she loved sports and she was so sweet. She had her mom's looks with her dad's personality. Emma brought her to school during the days and the whole school adored her. It was their junior year and nothing to interesting had really happened. There was school dances and football games but nothing out of the ordinary. Emma had met someone new. His name was Wilson. They dated for awhile and he loved her and Evangeline. Eventually when the school year ended he moved from Madison, Wisconsin to New York city. They were all heartbroken but they still called and texted. Long distance was hard for them. They ended up breaking up right before senior year. The end

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