The Night The News Was Heard

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"Hey Anthony." I said. "Hi Raven. It's nice to see you again." he says. "Can we talk?" I say. We sit on the table. We start talking about the pumpkin eaters situation. He's on my side. He was pissed when he heard what Emma and Dexter did. The only reasons he brought Emma to get her abortion was because he wanted to get rid of this mess. After that he wouldn't talk to her. "Raven, I'm so sorry for what happened to you. My sister is an idiot and Dex is a jerk. You deserve so much better." he says. "I have to admit one thing though. Emma really regrets what she did. Ever since you found out, Emma has been a wreck. She lost her best friend. She wants to talk to you and apologize." he continued. She wants to talk to me? Well I don't want to talk to her. I loved Dex and she took that away from me. She's not sorry for what she did, she's sorry she got caught. Maybe if I talk to her I'll figure out what the hell was going through her head that night. Why the hell she thought it felt right to have sex with MY boyfriend. "I'll do it. Tell her to come to the park within the next 5 minutes or I'm leaving and never talking to her." I say. He runs home as fast as he can to get her. I start a timer for 5 minutes exactly. The timer rings. I start leaving. It doesn't seem like she's coming. I get up and leave. The second I try to leave the park, Emma comes running out of her house." Raven wait! I'm here! Wait!" she screams from across the street. I wait. She stops when she gets closer to me. She's out of breath. "What do you want?" I say. "I'm sorry. Ever since that night I regretted it. I lost my best friend cause of some stupid guy that meant nothing to me. Raven, I care about you so much and I didn't mean to hurt you. The reason I got the abortion was because I didn't want to stay with him and cause I regretted it. I'm so sorry. I know you will never forgive me but it's worth a shot. I want you to know the truth." she said. I don't know wether to believe her or not. She lied to me but she actually seems to feel bad."So what's the truth? I want the full truth. Don't leave anything out." I say. "That night when the whole group hung out at the park, Dex and I were the last to leave. It was late at night and we didn't feel like leaving. We sat and talked and then laid back to look at the stars. I sat up cause I started thinking of the one other thing I kept from you. He sat up too. We started talking about that night and then I admitted that I had feelings for him. I've been in love with him since before you guys were dating. He kissed me and admitted he liked me too. He still loved you and told me we could never be together. He stood up and took me by the hand. He brought me back to his empty house and then we hooked up. We kept flirty texting the day after, came to school early to hook up in the back parking lot and in the bathroom. We thought we were safe but then you found out the next day. I don't know what happened with you and Dex." she said." What were you keeping from me?" I asked." A few months ago, when you guys were on a break, Dex and I kissed. We never told you cause we knew you would freak out. It was just one kiss, I promise." she said. I'm honestly believing her."I have one more thing to admit. I didn't actually get an abortion. I told Dex that cause I didn't want him to know. I was scared he would leave me if I told him I was pregnant. My brother knows and I told my parents. They were pissed. Eventually, they were supportive and are helping. My brother told you I aborted it so I could tell you of I felt comfortable. I'm sorry. I already called it off with Dex." she said. She's still pregnant with MY boyfriend's baby. Now I guess he's my EX boyfriend. I actually forgive her. "I believe you. I forgive you. But don't ever keep things from me again. Even if you know it'll piss me off. Thank you for telling me the truth and for no longer hooking up with my boyfriend." I say. I hug her and we both burst into tears. I missed my best friend. "So what did happen with you and Dex after you found out? How did you find out?" she asked. "When you didn't show up on Tuesday, Dex kept asking about you. He started acting really off. But he was only off when you were mentioned. I had a feeling that he might have been cheating. I tried to get him to come to my house today and figure out a way to take his phone when he was in the bathroom. I would take his phone and read his texts with you and see if he was cheating. I ended up just pulling him outside to the back of the school and asked him straight up. He admitted to it. I asked why you weren't at school and jokingly asked if he got you pregnant. He said he didn't know. I grabbed his phone and called. I forced him to ask you and that's how I found out you were pregnant. I hung up the phone and threw it on the ground. I went back in the school and cried in the bathroom. Trey's sister, Maxine came was there and tried to make me feel better. Moments later, Sydeny walked in and I told her everything. She made me feel better and we hung out that night." I said. Emma looked so guilty. It felt nice seeing her guilty face. We talked a little bit longer and then she drove me home. I told my dad what happened with Emma. I went to bed right after and tried to sleep. I can't get the conversation I had with Emma out of my head. I was overthinking at this point and it made my insomnia worse. I didn't know what to do. There was only one thing I was sure of. I'm confronting Dexter tomorrow.

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