Jack O'Lantern

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I wake up the next morning with determination in my heart. I put on my best outfit and tie my hair up incase a fight breaks out. I texted Trey and Sydeny the plan and they were fully on board. I finish getting ready and say goodbye to my dad. Before I go, I tell my dad the plan just incase I need to be picked up afterwards. He's completely fine with it. I walk out the door and Sydeny is already outside waiting for me. She's driving me and Trey to school today. Trey is already in the backseat. We listen to pump up music and I'm so ready to go to school. Nothing can bring me down. I text Emma the plan while I'm in the car. She's ready for it but nervous. Trey and Sydeny are coming with me for support when I initiate mission Jack O'Lantern. I called it mission Jack O'Lantern because Dex is a pumpkin eater with a fake smile that was carved into his face. I call him a pumpkin eater after the old kids poem, cheater cheater pumpkin eater. We get to school and walk in with confidence. Luckily, Emma gets there at the same time so she can walk in with us. Dex is already at the water fountain waiting fur Emma but instead she follows us into the cafeteria to show him that she's on our side. Dex looked pissed from what I saw. We get to the cafeteria and talk about what's gonna happen when I confront Dexter. I'm going to confront him at lunch. I'm going to go up to him and ask him if we can talk. I'll bring him to the back of the school so nobody notices. Trey, Syd, and Emma are going to be inside but near the door so they can hear what happens and come out if needed. Trey and Syd are my backup incase of an emergency. Emma is there so I can bring her out during the conversation so she can tell him she's pregnant and so if he has anything to say, she'll be there to tell me if he's lying. We head to our classes and I'm pumped up with adrenaline. I'm so excited and nervous. I get to my first class. I get through it just fine and head to my second class. Now that it's getting closer to lunch, I'm getting way more nervous. I'm almost debating whether to back out but decide against it. The class finally ends and head straight to Syd's locker. She's my go to person when I'm stressed about something. She gives me a pep talk and we are good to go. I go to Dex's locker. As I'm walking there he's just walking out of his second class. "Can we talk?" I ask with confidence. "Fine but anything you have to say, you'll have to say here." he said. I don't care where I am. Sydeny and Trey are near by with Emma. The hallway is empty. "What made you think it made sense to do what you did? Why wouldn't you own up and tell me you made a mistake?" I said. "How am I supposed to tell my girlfriend I cheated on her with her best friend? You would have been pissed if I told you. It was easier to keep it a secret." he said. "Of course I would have been angry but I could have forgave you if you had just told me. I loved you." I said. "I loved you too but I also loved Emma. I didn't want this to happen. It just did. It's over now anyway. We broke up, Emma called it off with me, and she had the abortion. Who cares anymore. It's hurting me just as much as it's hurting you." he said. I want to cry but I can't. I can't seem weak right now."Is it really over? You're telling me now that you have absolutely no feelings for Emma anymore? Or me?" I ask. That kind of hurt. He lost feelings quickly. "Raven I didn't mean it like that. I lost feelings for Emma but I still love you. I can't lose feelings for you that quickly." he said. This was it. I started crying. "If it was truly over then you wouldn't care to know that Emma is still pregnant and never actually got an abortion. She only told you that so you wouldn't leave her." I said. Emma comes out of the cafeteria and stands next to me. She's crying. I look around and the whole school is watching." Emma... Is that true?" he asks. He's crying too." It's true. I'm pregnant with your baby." she says."Oh my god... I'm so sorry. Can we talk about this later?" he says. "only if it's okay with Raven." she says. I nod to tell her it's okay. She leaves. "You still...you still love me?" I say. "Of course I do. We've been together for so long. You can't just forget that. I regret cheating on you. I shouldn't have hurt you like that. I love you too much to lose you." he says. I want to hug him. I want to kiss him. I want to forgive him. "How am I supposed to believe you? I love you but I don't know if I can forgive you or trust you. You cheated on me. How do I know you won't do it again?" I say. He comes closer to me and grabs my hand. He kisses me. It felt real. It felt like somehow he transferred his thoughts to me through one kiss. I think I forgive him. He stops kissing me."Can we talk about this tonight? Please Raven. It's important." he says. I nod. I hug him. It was one of those long hugs. The super sentimental ones. I cry harder. He cries too. I look into his eyes. In that moment it felt like I was telling him that we were okay. I walk away and head to the bathroom. Sydeny follows me and so does Trey. It's the girls bathroom so technically he's not supposed to be in there but nobody cares at this point. I drop to the ground and they both drop too. The hug me and try and start telling me how brave I am and that everything was going to be okay. I felt safe. I felt like I had just lost the weight from my on my shoulders. Well most of it. I'm still nervous about talking to  Dexter again. I unblock Dexter's number and ask him what time we are meeting at. He told me to meet him at the park at 8pm. I don't bother to leave school. I'm. Just gonna deal with everyone asking what happened and all that stuff. Emma leaves though. I guess she couldn't take the pressure of everyone knowing that she is pregnant. This day is going to be longer now. I've got this. I can do it.

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