Chapter 4: Dance Partners

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(A/N: Wooh! I'm on a roll today! So that's mainly because I'm bored and I have nothing to do so I shall write Chapter 4 now. And I have to time skip again, sorry. And this chap'll be short, sorry.)

1 week later

Quinn's Point of View

It took me 1 week to finally feel at home in a dorm that I share with Chang.

Yes, Chang. I call Mike Chang now since I decline the offer of calling him Mike.

1 week after we've settled in, we're gonna start the classes.

The classes.

Holy crap, I haven't even got my text books from the administration office.

Oh my gosh, I have to go get it now because the classes are tomorrow.

I think Mike must've heard me shuffle around the small 'living room' of our dorm because he called out to me.

"Hey, Q!"

I stopped my tracks and took the direction to Mike's room.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Your books are in your room, on top of your desk." He replied, shoving more popcorn into his mouth.

"How did you—?"

"The AO told me to give you your text books since you haven't recieved yours yet and we're roommates."

"Thanks so much Chang!"

I gave him an unexpected hug and ran off to my room.

{ The Next Day }

Mike's Point of View

Thank God, I found my way to the designated studio for Dance class.

I almost got lost on the way there, seeing as how the university is as big as Lima!

When I dropped my bag by the coats rack inside the studio I began to stretch since I'm the only student inside.

"1-2-3 1-2-3 drink, 1-2-3 1-2-3 drink, throw 'em back 'til I lose count."

Sia's Chandelier was playing softly through the speakers in the studio.

I stopped what I was doing and turned to see who had come inside and turned on the music.


She was dancing gracefully with ballet moves. She looked like an angel sent from above.

Wait, so she's in my Dance class?!


She stopped dancing and gasped.

"Chang! I-I didn't know y-you were h-here!" She stuttered quickly unwrinkling her shirt.

I chuckled at her silliness, did she look cute.

"I was just doing some stretches before class starts." I responded.

I replayed the song and offered my hand to Quinn.

"Would you like to have this dance?" I asked with bow.

"Uh.. Yeah, sure." She replied unsurely but she took my hand and we danced together in sync.

Our bodies were moving perfectly with the beat, it was like the song was made for us to dance with each other.

Once the song and our dance ended, we heard some clapping.

We turned around and it was a woman in her late-30's.

"I'm sorry, I'm Willa James. You're Dance teacher." She introduced herself with a slight bow.

"Uhm.." Both Quinn and I shifted awkwardly.

"Your dance piece was marvelous. Angelic, if I can add. You two go well with each other." Willa commented, clapping again.

"Even though class hasn't started yet, I will pair you two up for the rest of the school year in my class."

My jaw dropped, Quinn's too.

Were we really that good?

"And I expect another dance piece next week to show it to class." She added before making her way to the door.

"Oh, and class doesn't start for another half hour." She informed before completely leaving.

Quinn and I burst into laughter at what had happened moments ago.

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