Chapter 20

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(A/N: Oh my gosh you guys! I'M SO SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG. Anyway, here it is!)

*that night*

"It's party time, guys!" Tony screamed all around the small house, making it echo and sound louder than it was supposed to be.

It recieved groans from the others including Pepper.

"Shut up, Tony or I'll slit your throat," Natasha threatened.

Tony cleared his throat audibly and nervously.

"Is she serious about that?" Mike whispered to Quinn, who snuggled closer to him.

"Yeah, she's a Russian spy," Quinn replied, half-asleep.

"Wait, she is?"

"Yes I am, Mike. Now, shut up so I can get some shut eye," Natasha chimed, obviously hearing them.

Even from a far, they could hear Steve lightly scolding her and Natasha groaned silently.

He's truly her better half.

"C'mon guys, it's party time!" Tony screamed again.

"Shut up, Tony." they all replied simultaneously.


Tony got them all up to go partying, much everyone's dismay.

"You lookin' smokin' babe," Mike complimented his girlfriend once he saw her come out of the bathroom.

She wore her favorite pair of Victoria's Secret bikini under her short denim shorts and see-through crop top.

"Well, thank you kind boy," Quinn replied.

"Hey! I'm a man now," Mike argued playfully.

"You're still a boy to me," Quinn nuzzled her nose against his.

"I love you,"

"I love you too,"

"You two are sickeningly sweet, you're giving me diabetes," Natasha joked.

"Shut up, Nat and go find your man," Quinn order jockingly.

"Aye, aye cap'n!" Natasha saluted with a smirk and took off to find Steve.


"Hey, Tony! When'd 'ya know there was going to be a party?" Mike yelled through the loud music.

Tony nodded and held up three fingers, counting down to one.




Suddenly, this big, hunky man approached them, smiling widely at the group.

"Welcome, Mr. Stark. We have prepared the party in your honor," 'buffy' said.

His macho physique made the girls drool practically, making their boyfriends turn them away.

"Thank you, Grant. Now, how about we party?" Tony asked, recieving nods and yells of agreement.

Everybody parted ways when they proceeded to the center of the party, each having their significant other.

"C'mon, Mike, let's show them who're the boss at dancing!" Quinn exclaimed like a little girl as she pointed at the dance competition.

"Okay, okay, Q." Mike chuckled, letting her girlfriend drag him to the said event.

"Uhm, hey! Excuse me! We'd like to join the competition!" Quinn yelled through the music to the judge.

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