Chapter 17

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Being back in Lima was kind of hard, especially for Quinn because this was where her and Finn's memories lie.

She thought she couldn't do it but with Mike by her side, she was fine, she could get through this.

In the airport, Mike and Quinn waited by the conveyer belt to collect their luggage when suddenly they saw their friend's figure, hiding somewhere not-so-subtle near them, wearing her black sunglasses to cover her red eyes.

The couple shared a knowing glance before Quinn approached her best friend.

"Hi, Rach." the blonde greeted her softly as to not startle her.

"Oh! It's just you, Quinn," the brunette said glumly, letting herself sink in more in her hoodie.

"How're you -"

"I was waiting for you, I'm supposed to fetch you here but I didn't want to wait outside,"

"It's okay, Rach. How're you feeling though,"

"A lot worse than what you're feeling, h-h-he was special to m-m-me, h-h-he was my p-person." Rachel said and leaned towards the blonde, letting the tears fall.

Quinn couldn't help herself so she cried too, she knew how hard it is for all of them.

For Rachel.

For her.

And for everybody.


"Quinniepie, are you okay?" Mike asked when he saw his girlfriend sitting in what used to be the Skanks' hideout under the bleachers.

Quinn just stayed silent, her tears continuously falling down her puffy cheeks.

The dancer wanted to comfort the blonde but he knew better than to give her some space.

Instead, Quinn ran to him and wrapped her arms around Mike, there she sobbed on his shoulder.

"It's okay, it's all going to be okay, shhh," Mike repeated what he said to her ear over and over again to calm Quinn down.

"I-I-I was a jerk to him, Mike, but I didn't m-m-mean it, I had hurt so many p-p-people in the past and he was one of them," the blonde cried.

"It's okay, Quinn, he forgave you for hurting him, he forgave you a long time ago,"


"...the funeral was for everyone but I just wanted to do something just for us, to memorialize him the only way we know how: by singing. All week long. Anyone who wants to can come up and sing, maybe a song he sang, maybe something that reminds you of him." Mr. Schue said, walking towards the center of the room.

"Singing isn't going to bring him back," Puck chimed, obviously still hurting and not over the fact he lost his bestfriend.

"No, it's not. Nothing is. Not ever. But for two minutes or so, maybe we can all remember the best parts of him. So think of which you wanna sing, if you want to sing, and we'll start tomorrow."

"No, I can't wait 'til tomorrow, Mr. Schue. I've been balling for three weeks. If I don't get this out now, I don't think I'll ever stop crying." Mercedes said as she stood up and made her way towards Brad, the pianist.

"Sure, Mercedes, start us off."

"I - uh - remember Finn telling me that he sang this song to his baby's sonogram - well, he thought it was his baby," Mercedes said which made Quinn, Rachel and Puck smile sadly.

"He was the first cool kid to be nice to any of us, and h-he was our leader in here. We love you, Finn." Mercedes looked up and smiled sadly again.

Soon, the familiar keys of I'll Stand By You played and Mercedes started to sing.

"Oh // why are you so sad // tears are in your eyes // come on and talk to me now,"

Quinn thought back to the time when Finn had confessed to her that he had accidentally told his mom about her pregnancy - well, Carole sorta figured it out.

Finn was trying so so hard to be a good daddy to their unborn baby, working everyday to earn some cash to pay for the appointments, going on late night runs for her cravings and so much more but she forgot to tell him she appreciated everything he has done for her.

Quinn couldn't help herself so she let the pool of tears from her eyes cascade down her cheeks, her boyfriend sensing her state, immediately wrapped his arm around her and let her cry on his shoulder again.

"Well then, nobody hurts you // I'll stand by you." Mercedes finished off, now crying as she remembered all her memories of Finn.


Santana and Quinn - known as Quinntana to the others - walked down together in the hallway, towards the small memorial they held at Finn's old locker.

"I miss him so so much, San," Quinn suddenly said, willing herself not to cry for the 5th time this day.

"It's all going to be okay, Q,"

Until suddenly, that wannabe Cheerio, Bree and some other Cheerios had started blowing off some candles.

"Hey, hey, what the hell do you think you're doing?" Quinn asked harshly.

"Principal Sylvester says the candles have to go, she said she got a call from the fire marshall,"

"You cannot let her do this," Santana said to Figgins who was just standing there, clutching his mop, her anger starting boil.

"Uh - he's the janitor," Bree said as a matter-of-fact.

"New Santana is right, Old Santana." Figgins replied.

"No, no, this has to stop." Quinn marched her way to Sue Sylvester's office.


"Why the hell did you let that fucking bitch remove the memorial?!" Quinn asked angrily, her ears turning red by each passing second due to her anger.

"It's because she's a cold-hearted, self-centered bitch who doesn't say one good thing about Finn Hudson." Santana said.

"You get out of my office." Sue spat.

"How can you make us? We're not your students anymore," Quinn dared.

"And what if we don't get out? You're going to expel us?"

Sue grimaced and looked at her secretary, "Call the police -"

"If you pick that phone up and call them, I'm going to shove my foot down your throat." Santana threatened.

"That's assault," Sue chimed.

"No, this is assault." Quinn pushed Sue harshly, not even realizing what she had done was something she can't take back.

"Oh my God," she muttered under her breath, both she and Santana surprised at what she had done.


(A/N: Quite the long chapter isn't it? Ahahaha, I'm sorry this took so long. School's a jerk and homework is shit.)

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