Chapter 13

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*1 week later*

"Finally, some relaxing time." Mike groaned as he stretched his arms and legs once he got inside their dorm room.

He put his things on a table and plopped down on the couch, next to his girlfriend - Quinn, who was currently curled up on one side of the couch, giggling while she gave all her attention to her phone, not even acknowledging Mike's presence.

"Hey babe," Mike tried to greet the blonde by caressing her cheek but Quinn immediately swatted his hand away.

"Uhm, 'kay then." Mike just shrugged knowing Quinn will come around in a little while.

The boy resolved to just watching TV when he heard a ton of giggles from the blonde next to him again.

He gave her confused looks but not one of it did the blonde acknowledge.

"Look, look, Six just sent me a sweet poem." Quinn said, shoving the phone in his face, not even acknowledging how it caused a bit of pain on Mike's nose.

I can see the sun, the moon and the stars

When I look into your eyes,

But only your heart

Can capture and love mine

"Oh yeah, sweet..." Mike's voice trailed off, lacing a bit of jealousy on it that didn't go by unnoticed to Quinn.

"Oh, baby. Don't be jealous," Quinn cooed, placing herself sideways on his lap.

"I'm not jealous." Mike denied.

"Yeah, yeah..." the blonde giggled.

"I'm not jealous, okay?!" the boy insisted, gently shoving Quinn off his lap.

"If you're jealous then why are you making a big deal about this?!"

"Yeah, why don't you ask Six if you have time so I could tell you."

"See, you are!"

"No, I'm not! Why can't you understand that?!"

Mike slammed the door, making Quinn wince at the loud bang it caused.

"Shit..." Quinn muttered, throwing her phone across the room.

The blonde didn't know where her boyfriend was going so she just stayed still in her place on the couch, hoping he'd come back.

~ Meanwhile ~

Honestly, Mike didn't know where he was going.

All he grabbed was his wallet, no phone and no car keys.

Sighing, he looked around his surroundings, spotting a nearby bar that was open.

He approached the said bar and took out his fake I.D, flashing it to the bouncer before getting inside.

"One iced tea, please. With a bit of vodka."

Yes, he knew it was a weird combination but he liked the taste.

"Coming right up," the bartender — unfortunately, it was a girl — said, leaning a little towards him to show him some cleavage but Mike didn't even show any interest in it.

"Here you go," the bartender handed him his drink before taking a seat behind the counter.

"What brings you here? You don't seem like the type of guu who goes to bars," Trixie — her name tag had it — attempted to make a conversation with the Asian boy.

Mike just stayed silent, knowing he'd be dead if Quinn found out about this, fighting or not.

"I could show you a little fun, I have a room upstairs. Why don't you come with me and I'll show you," Trixie said seductively.

"Uhm, no thanks. I have a girlfriend."

"I don't see your girlfriend here, what she doesn't know won't —"

"Look, I don't like girls who act like sex is such a big thing and my girlfriend may not be here but I'm not going to cheat on her just because we had a fight," Mike said, raising his voice a little, slamming a 5 dollor note from his wallet and left the bar.


When Mike got to his dorm room, he immediately spotted his girlfriend, curled in a ball on the couch, obviously sleeping while clutching her phone until her knuckles turned white, her mouth turning into that adorable pout of hers.

The dancer's heart melted at the sight of it, she looked so cute in that position but unless he wanted her to wake up with an aching back and neck, he had to move her to the bedroom.

"C'mon, Q," Mike grunted, picking up the blonde, bridal style.

"Mmfhm," Quinn nuzzled her head on the crook of the dancer's neck.

The dancer smiled, putting the blonde down gently on the bed, shrugging off his jeans and lied down next to her.

The blonde immediately cuddled up next to Mike, making herself comfortable on him.

"I love you, M."

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