Chapter 29

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Truth to be told, there was only one person who could make Natasha, Melinda, Maria, Pepper and Bobbi worry this much, and besides their significant partners, that person was the very person they fetched from Yale University on Valentine's Day.

It has already been 2 days, but Quinn was still unresponsive as she was when they fetched her, except for the occasional 'yes, no and I don't want to talk about it' replies.

Now, Natasha, Maria, Pepper, Bobbi, Melinda, Steve and Sam were huddled around at the lounge save for Quinn who was sulking, sleeping and being depressed inside Natasha's bunk at the Avengers' facility.

"WHERE IS HE?! THAT SON OF A BITCH." Clint yelled, entering the lounge in a hissy fit, having only known the news about what went down with his pseudosister and her boyfriend.

"Calm down Clint, Quinn wouldn't want you to kill her boyfriend." Natasha said calmly, standing up from Steve's lap where she had been sitting for the past hour.

"Yeah, and Quinn would be even more depressed to find her boyfriend dead with an arrow in the middle of his eyes." Melinda added.

"I don't fucking care. That asswipe hurt my sister, so he's going to get it from me." Clint hissed.

"Believe me, we already considered that option. All of us did, but it would break Quinn more if we did it." Pepper said.

Suddenly, Tony arrived with his phone to his ear.

"Yes, thank you for the information." the billionare said, right before ending the call.

"What is it, Tony?" Pepper asked.

"I was doing my monthly check-up on everyone's bank accounts, including Quinn's and Mike's, and it seems that your nephew," pointing at Melinda, Tony continued. "bought plane tickets to Lima."

"Why would he do that? Isn't their finals coming up?" Bobbi asked.

"He's probably going home to wallow in his house, seeking for comfort from their friends there." Maria rolled her eyes, playing with Sam's fingers (they were a couple now, actually).


As Quinn was at the Avengers' facility, Mike was back in Lima at the choir room which was, thankfully, empty.

Mike buried his face in his hands already giving up on keeping the tears at bay.

"Why the fuck did I do that?!" Mike screamed, his frustration taking over his body.

He started punching the walls, throwing the sheet music all around, kicking the chairs and he almost punched a hole in the piano if it weren't for Mr. Schue arriving and held him back.

"Calm down Mike! You can get through this!"

"How? Tell me, how can I?! After everything we've been through, I messed it up. Again. I promised her I wouldn't do it again! I promised her, Mr. Schue! But I broke that promise." Mike said, the sobs coming back again in full force right after the last sentence.

"Give it a few days, Mike. After a few days, everything will be back to normal."

Both men didn't know how wrong that statement will be in the future.

***a few days later

Quinn was now back to normal, well almost, but she was already up and walking and talking to everybody unlike the state she was the days before.

Quinn was sitting with Melinda, Natasha, Bobbi and Maria (Pepper wasn't at the facility as she was assessing some issues at Stark Industries) at the lawn, having an impromptu picnic.

Maria was in the middle of retelling the story of how she saved Melinda, Natasha and Bobbi in a mission that went south and all of them got captured by their attacker, when suddenly, Quinn spoke up.

"Hey guys,"

"Yes?" Maria asked.

"Is something wrong, Quinn?" Natasha added.

"It's the food isn't it? I knew I shouldn't have let Skye help cook, she's as bad as me at cooking food." Melinda said, to which Bobbi just raised her eyebrows questioningly.

Quinn gave out a laugh, "No, there's nothing wrong and it's not the food too, which by the way isn't bad."

"Then what it is?" Bobbi asked.

"I think I want to talk to Mike."

"WHAT?!" all four agents exclaimed.

"ARE YOU OUTTA YOUR DAMN MIND, Q?!" Maria asked in a disbelieving tone.

"No, I'm not out of my damn mind, Maria. I just want to set things straight."

"Which is?"

"I think it's time that I break up with him for good. I mean, I can't live like this anymore. We make up, we go back to normal, then at an event or something, Mike cheats on me by kissing a cheap whore."




(A/N: Aaaannnddd, I'll leave it like that. It's quite short but I need to study for my finals (OMG I'M GRADUATING.) I'll be sure to post the next chapter some time next week, after my finals maybe.)

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