Chapter 14

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(A/N: There's like curse words in this chap.)

*the next day*

Quinn's eyelids slowly fluttered open, beams of sunlight passing through the window binds and an empty side of the bed.

She propped herself on her elbow, wondering where her boyfriend had gone until she realized that he had left last night but if he left then why was she in the bed?

The blonde stood up and stretched her arms and legs before going out of the room.

"Hey Quinniepie," Mike greeted the blonde cheekily, standing up from his place on the couch and gave her a big hug.

The blonde was bewildered, to be honest. She remembered that they had a fight last night and that Mike had left but now, Mike was acting as if nothing happened the night before.

When Mike pulled away from the hug, he noticed the confused look on the blonde's face, his smile faltering.

"Is something wrong?" the boy asked, looking deep into her piercing hazel eyes.

"Oh no, no, nothing's wrong. I-I just" pausing to take a deep breath, she continued on "didn't we have a fight last...night?"

"About that...I'm so so sorry, baby. I'll try and control my jealousy next time." the boy promised with a smile.

"Uh, okay. I forgive you." the blonde replied, standing up on her tippy toes and pressed her lips on his.

When oxygen was becoming an issue to them, they broke the kiss.

"What's gotten you so happy, though?" Quinn asked.

"Well, you said three particular words last night."

"What kind...of words?"


"I got food?"


"My water broke?"

"No silly,"

"No me gusta?"

"That's so far!"


"Yes, that's it!"



"Shit, shit, shit, San, shit! I said 'I love you' to him! I. LOVE.YOU. I didn't even know I said it!" Quinn told Santana everything, from the fight to the part where Mike said she told him 'I love you'.

"Q, why the hell are you freaking out?! That's fuckin' fine," Santana responded through the phone.

"I just - I don't - I don't even know, I mean - ugh."

"You know Q, judging by Mike's reaction this morning, I think he's very happy you said it and it's okay if you're freaking out because that's normal."

Quinn chuckled before saying, "Since when did you get all smart on love things?"

"Been there, done that."

"Yeah, yeah, I better go. Mike's probably worried, I actually left."

"That's fine, say hi to Mike for Britts and me."

"Sure, bye S."

"Bye Q."

The blonde tapped on the end call button and collected herself after, sighing heavily as she gripped on her iPhone tighter.

Looking at the time on her phone, it said 5:43 p.m.

'It's getting quite late,' she thought and started walking back to her dorm.


Quinn closed the door behind her gently as to not startle her boyfriend who was currently in front of the T.V, watching some sports shows on ESPN.

The blonde crept up behind Mike, swinging her arms around his neck and captured his lips in a passionate kiss.

When oxygen was becoming an issue to them, they pulled away, Mike immediately grabbing Quinn by the waist, placing her on his lap swiftly.

"I'm sorry for walking out," the blonde apologized sincerely, looking deep into the boy's brown orbs.

"S'okay," the boy smiled, pecking Quinn softly on the lips.

They say in silence for a minute before Quinn spoke,

"I love you so much,"

Mike was shocked, to be honest, even though he had her say it to him las night, he wasn't sure if it was really her that said or was it just her sleep conscious until now.

"I love you too," Mike beamed before capturing Quinn's lips in a soft kiss.

(A/N: Yes, yes, you can love me now. And I know I suck at updates, it's hard juggling singing lessons, making chapters and handling a fanpage all together. But I swear, I'll try and update more often.)

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