Chapter 25

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(This is just like a part two of the previous chapter.)


Phil took a cautious step towards his 'kind-of-ex-girlfriend'.

May's eyes prickled with tears once again, taking a step backwards as Phil took a step forward.

Quinn was standing awkwardly at the side, not wanting to intrude and/or interrupt the pair.

May looked at Quinn with pleading eyes, as if to say can-you-leave-us-to-talk-please.

And fortunately, Quinn caught on on what May was signalling her to do.

So, Quinn stepped outside and brought the door with her, closing it softly.

"Hi, I'm Skye!" a girlish voice said, startling Quinn, making her jump a little.

The blonde turned around and met the appearance of Skye.

A girl that looked like she was in her early twenties, a little taller than Quinn, with short, brown hair that faded slightly at the end and soft, chocolate brown eyes.

"Oh! Uhm, hi, I'm Quinn."

"I'm guessing you're the friend who May's been staying with."

Quinn wanted to reply with obviously but she thought it was mean of her to say that.

As much as it hurt to admit it, she had turned soft when she became Mike's girlfriend.

"Yeah, we knew each other way back but we weren't that close." Quinn reasoned, awkwardly rubbing her fingers together.

"Really? Are you sure you're not that close? Mom doesn't usually cry infront of anyone unless she's close to that person but on the other side..." Skye was rambling, sending out words faster than you could say Captain America.

But Quinn caught Skye calling May mom which was weird and confusing.

"Oh — wait, mom?"

When Skye heard that, her rambling stopped and her eyes went wide.

"Oh shit, you weren't supposed to know. It should've been only between us SHIELD agents. Fu—Frick."

By now, Quinn was already more confused and Skye was freaking out.


What the hell was that?

"Skye...what's SHIELD?" Quinn asked cautiously and slowly, acting like the brunette was a ticking time bomb.

"You're not supposed to know about it! It's a secret organization that supposedly doesn't exist anymore and you're not supposed to know!" Skye exclaimed, actually explaining what SHIELD was without knowing.

Quinn mentally face-palmed herself.

This girl was helpless.

"You do know you just explained what SHIELD is right?" Quinn raised an eyebrow.

But before Skye could freak out more, they were interrupted with the sound of a door opening.

Once Phil and May came out, Skye stopped freaking out and squealed at the sight of both her superiors holding hands.

But Quinn noticed Phil had lipstick smeared on his lips, his tie hanging loosely around his neck and May's hair was tousled a bit, her shit was wrinkled too.

Quinn made a face of disgust when she realized what they did.

"Please don't tell me you had a quickie on my couch, I sleep on that couch." Quinn said and paired it with gagging noises.

May smirked, "Can't promise that."

"Ewww, I hate you." Quinn said with a pout, crossing her arms across her chest.

"Awww, love you too." May replied, with kissy faces too.

"We better get going, the team's waiting outside." Phil announced, offering a soft smile to Quinn.

"FitzSimmons will be ecstatic to see you again, Mom!" Skye chirped, clasping her hands together.

She completely forgot her almost melt down a while ago when she accidentally mentioned and explained SHIELD.

"You go on, I'll be right behind you." May said, motioning Phil and Skye to go.

But it was only Skye who headed outside, Phil seemed to be attached to May's hip.

"You too, Phil." May added and Phil reluctantly let go of her.

Once Phil and Skye were out of earshot, May hugged Quinn unexpectedly, causing the blonde to lose balance a little.

"Thank you,"

"You're welcome."

May released Quinn from her grip and grinned at the blonde.

"Can you visit us when you have time?" May asked sheepishly.

"How would I do that? I don't even know where your 'base' is, if you're a part of the SHIELD organization thing."

"Wait, you know about that?"

"Uh..Skye mentioned it and explained it."

May face-palmed, shaking her head.

"Just call me if you want to visit 'cause we'll just pick you up." May said, dismissing the previous topic about SHIELD.

"Okay..." Quinn smiled, "and you smell like sex."




(A/N: I couldn't help myself, I just had to put that little Philinda moment.)

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