Chapter 19

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*the next day*

Fortunately, Natasha and the gang were staying for a few weeks until Yale's dean agreed to let Mike and Quinn take vacation for a few days to visit Hawaii, again.

"You know, this won't be hard if you just agreed to let two students from your sophomore year take vacation," were the words of the famous Tony Stark to convince the dean.

Now, Mike and Quinn were sitting silently in their seats inside the Starks' private jet, waiting for the Tony to stop arguing with his girlfriend and just drive the jet.

"What's taking him so long?" Quinn hissed.

She stood up and went over to Edward and Bella.

"What's taking so long?" she asked the two.

"HE so did not want to just carry my things!" Pepper argued, throwing her hands everywhere as a sign of 'over-dramatic-ness'.

It reminded Quinn of Rachel really.

"I'll help you, Pep!" Mike suggested, clearly overhearing their conversation.

"Thanks Mike but I need to teach Tony how to be a gentleman." Pepper replied, exaggerating her pronunciation of how and gentleman.

"Fine, Pep! If that's what you want!" Tony surrendered, finally picking up Pepper's duffel bag and luggage.

"You could've just let JARVIS do it!" Natasha chimed, followed by Steve's light laugh.

Tony's eyes lit up for a moment, until Pepper glared at him and Natasha.

"What? It was Natasha's idea!" Tony defended himself, focusing on carrying her things.

"You still need to carry that," Pepper replied.

After a few more agonizing moments for Tony and happy moments for the others, the jet's engine started, roaring it to life.

"FINALLY, we're going already!" Quinn exclaimed to no one in particular though it did get some yeah's of approval.

"Hawaii, here we come!"


Fortunately, Tony owned a beach house in Hawaii, which came to no surprise to the gang since Stark was a billionare.

"I seriously am not surprised by this," Mike whispered to Quinn as they walked towards the beach house.

"He is very rich," Quinn replied before swinging her duffel bag on her shoulder.

Once they got inside the house, it looked very modern, judging by the electronics surrounding the living room.

"So, where're we gon' sleep?" Natasha asked the billionaire, lacing her hands with Steve's and turned her head to smile at him.

"Awwwww," Quinn thought, "I wish Mike and I were that sweet but we've only just dated for a few months,"

Truth to be told, Natasha amd Steve have been dating for 2 years, it started when Nat was 30 y/o and Steve was - intellectually, 99 y/o - biologically, 30 y/o.

Tony shared a knowing glance with Pepper before breaking out into a wide smile which later turned into a creepy smile.


Mike, Quinn, Steve and Natasha all shared a questioning look to each other.


"Oh my G-,"

Before them was an underwater room, the walls were bulletproof glass and it complete with all the modern technology.

"This is amazing," Steve said.

"You sure this is amazing? Isn't this supposed to be more than amazing?" Tony grinned.

"More than amazing," Mike replied, making Tony grin even more.

"Okay, so there're three king-sized beds, one for each couple, 'kay?" Pepper informed them, clasping her hands together.

"Dibs on this one!" Quinn said, jumping on the bed pushed to the right glass.

"This one!" Natasha added, also jumping on another bed pushed to the wall in the middle.


(A/N: It was Cory's death anniversary yesterday.... )

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