Chapter 6: First Date Rule Broken

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Third Person's Point of View

"Quinn! Quinn! Hey!" Mike called, running towards Quinn when he saw her figure walking not too far from him.

The blonde haired girl turned her head around and smiled at me.

"Hey," Quinn greeted Mike once he caught up to her.

"So, it's Friday,"

"I know that, Chang."

"Ready for that date?"

"I'm always ready."

They both walked towards the dormitory building, taking the elevator instead of the stairs to get to their dorms faster.

"So, uhm, what do I wear for our date?" Quinn asked, once the doors to the elevator closed behind them and pressing 5.

"Just wear something simple," Mike responded, the doors opening, revealing the dorm-room-hallway that they always walk in.

"Okay then,"

And with that, Quinn left Mike on his own in the hallway after she ran off to their dorm.


"Q?" Mike yelled from his side of the dorm.

"Yeah?" Quinn yelled back, obviously from her side of the dorm.

"You ready?" Mike asked.

"Yeah," Quinn responded, walking out of her room the same time Mike had.

Their eyes locked in each other's gaze.

Quinn looked beautiful in her white ladylike scoop neck flouncing lace blouse and a black skater skirt, pairing it with black pumps.

As for Mike, he had on a white button-up polo shirt and denim pants, pairing it with black shoes.

"Oh, so we're matching tonight." Mike smirked.

"Shut it, Chang." Quinn giggled.

"There's that 'shut it' thing,"

"Oh, I-sh-ugh!"

Mike had clearly won this - something yet again, celebrating with a laugh.

"Let's just go," Quinn groaned, grabbing her purse which contained some extra money, her phone and some tissues.

"Fine," Mike approved, still laughing.

They shortly left after locking their dorm first.

"So, where are you taking me?" Quinn asked, feeling her hand interwine with Mike's.

"To a restaurant outside campus, in West Hartford." Mike responded, feeling Quinn's head nuzzle on the crook of his neck.

They walked in comfortable silence, finally arriving at the student parking lot moments later.

The pair immediately spotted Mike's black Ford 'stang in the corner.

"For you, m'lady." Mike said in a fake British accent, opening the car door for Quinn once they got to the student parking lot.

"Why thank you, kind sir." Quinn giggled as she got in the car.

Mike closed the door and got inside the driver's side, turning on the engine and drove off shortly after.

Quinn turned on the radio, immediately turning on to a station where a Taylor Swift song was on.

"YOU GOT THAT JAMES DEAN DAYDREAM LOOK IN YOUR EYE," Quinn sang along, not caring if she was off-key or something.

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