Chapter 10: Rehearsals

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(A/N: So I guess from now on, I'll be writing in Third Person 'kay? Okay. *that TFIOS reference tho*)

"Damnit, Mike! Drop me one more time and you'll seriously regret it." Quinn threatened her boyfriend with an angry huff.

Quinn still felt weird to call Mike her boyfriend, especially outside their dorm.

"Now, now, Quinnie-pie, what are you going to do to make me regret dropping you?" Mike asked in a seductively husky voice, walking closer and closer to his girlfriend.

"Oh, I'll probably throw away your special dancing shoes and burn your other special dancing stuff," Quinn smirked, watching Mike's jaw drop in horror and his eyes widen in horror too.

"Oh, no, no, don't do it! I'll be good to you! I won't drop you anymore! Just please don't do it! I'll even massage your feet when we go back to our dorm!" Mike pleaded, enveloping Quinn in a tight bear hug,

"Okay, okay, I was kidding about that but a massage would be nice. Just don't drop me again okay?"

"Okay, so how 'bout that dance routine?"

"Oh yeah, let's do it."

Mike immediately took the remote and restarted the song before positioning himself infront of Quinn.

"You know I can't take one more step // towards you // 'cause all that's waiting is regret."

They started dancing moments later when the lyrics of the song had entered their ears. Their bodies moving perfectly in sync, call it cheesy but it was like they were made just for each other.

After a few more minutes, the song started dying down and they finally ended their routine with a low bow.

The blonde immediately wrapped her arms around Mike's neck, making them take a few steps back.

"That was amazing, sweets! And I didn't drop you once during it." Mike chuckled, feeling the familiar weight of the blonde off him as Quinn broke their hug.

"I'm so proud of you for not dropping me," Quinn said sarcastically with a roll of her eyes.

Silence came over them, not the awkward kind but the comfortable kind, smiles being exchanged before Mike spoke up.

"You know what I think?"

"What are you supposedly thinking that I should know?"

"You're such a smartass,"

"Aw, thank you now back to the topic, what are you thinking?"

"I think we're going to rock that competition."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah," Mike said before capturing the blonde's lips in a soft, passionate kiss.

"You are such a great kisser," Quinn complimented Mike once they pulled away from the kiss a minute or two later to breathe.

"Why thank you, m'lady. You're not so bad yourself." Mike replied, tapping Quinn's nose with his index finger.

Quinn scrunched up her nose, planted a kiss on Mike's lips before restarting the song again.

"How 'bout one more round of dancing?" Quinn asked.

(A/N: And cut! That's the end of Chapter 10 and I know it's short but this is kind of a filler chapter.)

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