Chapter 23

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(A/N: Please, fasten your seatbelts for we will be passing a very fluffy chapter.)

*one week later*

Quinn put her arms up, hearing that familiar sound as her body parts stretched.

She was getting ready for her dance class when suddenly, she felt a pair of strong familiar arms go around her waist.

"Hey, Q."

The blonde smiled, "Missed you at lunch today, M."

"Sorry, Mr. Tristan gave me lunch detention," Mike said, nuzzling his nose into his girlfriend's neck.

Quinn abruptly let go of him.

"What? Why?" Quinn asked.

"Because...because I was making a poem during his discussion," Mike replied shyly.

"A poem? For who?" Quinn was surprised, shocked because Mike rarely makes poems.

Mike sneaked his arms to her waist again, pulling her closer to him.

"For you, of course." Mike smiled sweetly, nuzzling his nose with hers.

"Aw, that's so sweet." Quinn pressed her lips onto Mike's.

Once air became an issue to them, they broke apart, breathless.

"I love you,"

"I love you too."


It was 3pm in the afternoon, both Mike and Quinn had no more classes since their last period was canceled.

The couple walked hand-in-hand around the campus, talking to each other about how their day went.

"How 'bout we ditch the take-out and I'll take you out for dinner?" Mike suggested.

"Are you sure? I mean, if it isn't much of -" Quinn was suddenly cut off when Mike abruptly stopped walking and turned her around so she faced him, cupping her face with both his hands.

"Nothing is a hassle when its about you, okay?" Mike said.

"Okay," Quinn smiled, pecking him lightly on the lips. "We better get back then, if you want to take me out."


Quinn checked her reflection in the mirror again.

"Maybe this dress isn't nice enough," the blonde thought.

She wore a turquoise colored high-low maxi dress and paired it with a pair of 4-inch nude colored heels.

When she was about to change, she heard the door open.

"Hey, Q. Are you ready?" Mike asked.

"Uh," pausing to smooth out her dress, she continued, "yeah, I'm ready."

"Well, then, let's go!" Mike said cheerfully.

Quinn grabbed her purse and proceeded to the student parking lot, where her boyfriend's car was parked at, with Mike.

The dancer opened the car door for the blonde, bowing a little.

"Here you are, m'lady," Mike said in a fake british accent.

"Why, aren't you such a gentleman," Quinn played along.

Once the blonde was inside the car, the dancer closed the door and got in the driver's side.

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