Chapter 7: Jealousy (Part 1)

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Third Person's Point of View

Mike woke up from the beams of sunlight hit his face.

He felt a weight on his arm, blonde locks sprawled on his chest and an arm around his torso.

And he noticed the environment around me, glee club photos, pink, shoes and bags.

The girl whose asleep on him has pjs on so that's good.

He felt the girl stir on him, slowly sitting up.


"Mornin'," Mike greeted.

"God, her serious case of bed hair looks so sexy." He thought.

"Good morning too," she greeted back with a big smile, her eyes squinting as she did so.

"How did I get here?" He asked with a chuckle, obviously not knowing how he ended up in her part of the dorm.

"We were dancing, wait — we were practicing our piece for the competition." She responded, throwing the throw blanket off her and looked for a nearby scrunchie to tie her hair.

"Oh... That's why," he mentally slapped himself for forgetting.

Quinn giggled and started to pick up hus clothes on the floor that he also seemed to forget taking.

*knock!!* *knock!!*

"Someone's at the door," Mike informed the girl who seemed to not notice the sound.

"I'll get it," Quinn replied before taking her somewhat-boyfriend's buttoned shirt and placed it over her shoulders, leaving the room in the process.

Quinn walked towards the door, grabbing an apple on the way, saying 'coming' since the person behind the door didn't stop banging on it.

When the former Cheerio opened the door, she was shocked to see Mike's bestfriend — Tina Cohen-Chang behind it.

"Tina! Hi!"

Quinn swung her arms around the opposite girl's neck, indulging her in a hug.

"Quinn! It's so good to see you again!" Tina said once they broke the hug.

"I know! I knew I should have asked your number so we could hang out!" Quinn replied, enthusiasm all over her voice.

Tina laughed, shaking her head.

"So, uh, is Mike here?" The girl asked the former Cheerio.

As if on cue, Mike yelled.

"Hey, Q! Who's there?!"

Hearing a shuffle of steps and the dropping of the duvet, Mike came out of Quinn's room, a serious case of bed hair on him and a pair of wrinkled boxers and singlet.

"Its Tina," Quinn replied, gesturing to the girl on the opposite side of her.

"Tina dude! Hi! How are you?!" Mike immediately exclaimed, enveloping her in anothet hug, the girl beaming widely.

"I'm fine, very fine on that matter." Tina chuckled, breaking off the hug.

"So, what brings you here? Not to be rude or anything," Mike asked.

"I decided to visit you here, you haven't called or Skype-d or Facetime-d me!" Tina replied with an needy-girlfriend tone.

Quinn, who was on the sides, was shocked at her tone, Mike not even knowing what tone Tina used since he's clearly a boy and he isn't very familiar with girls' tones.

"Uh, how about we catch up over coffee? We haven't eaten yet," Quinn suggested, looking at the two Asians before her.

"Yeah, that's a great idea," pausing to place a kiss on top of Quinn's head, putting his arm around her shoulders, "isn't it Tina?" Mike continued.

"Yeah.. it is." Tina replied awkwardly with an awkward smile.


The threesome walked towards the little cafè after 45 minutes of getting ready for the day thanks to Quinn.

"Hey Quinn, Mike, and who's this pretty lady? You look very, very gorgeous." The regular cafè greeter, Josh said, smirking at Tina who seemed to be a bit uncomfortable yet blushing.

Mike seemed to be uncomfortable too, anger starting to boil inside him, glaring at Josh in the inside for hitting on Tina.

Quinn got jealous immediately, wait — why would she? She isn't even positive if she really was Mike's girlfriend.

"Her name's Tina," Quinn replied, a hint of coldness in her tone, walking into the cafè by herself, leaving Mike and Tina outside.

"G'morning Quinn," Cristy chirped, noticing the jealousy in her eyes.

"Good morning, Cristy." Quinn replied blankly, spotting Mike and Tine HOLDING HANDS as they walked in.

Quinn boiled with anger and jealousy.

How dare him!

How dare her!

"You look jealous," Cristy commented. "The usual?"

"I so am not," Quinn replied and stopped catching glances at the pair who seemed to forget her presence. "Nope, just a mocha frappe for me."

Cristy turned to the small microphone on her counter, saying "one mocha frappe" before turning to back to Quinn.

"Oh really, seems like you do."

"I-ugh —"


"Okay fine."


"So, you know that girl whose with Mike?"

"Yeah, I think her name's Tina. i heard you,"

"Mike seems to be uncomfortable whenever someone hits on her and she tends to act like a needy girlfriend like "You didn't even call me Mike!" or "You said you will Facetime with me!"." Quinn mimicked a somewhat-the-same voice as Tina's when she said her sentences about the girl.

Cristy was understanding and she understood everything completely which is why Quinn liked her in the first plane.

"That's tough," Cristy said, handing Quinn her cup and probably Mike's too.

"Oh how my life goes downhill," Quinn replied, taking the cups and grasped it on her palms.

Quinn said a quick 'thank you' to Cristy before walking towards the table where Tina and Mike sat.

(A/N: Sorry guys, I have to cut it here because the chapter's a bitVERY long.)

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