#32: Bumper ride

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The five were still inside the car as it was the most painful car ride that Jeonghan didn't know he had to face. He knew the route that Mingyu was taking is very short but it still felt slow and long for him. While the others just continued on to chat and talk about some random topics with each other, he can't just find himself joining in.

Hayoon was sitting beside him during the car ride and she actually felt there was something else going on, but she just decided to carelessly brush it off and kept on chatting. Even though Jeonghan got his first wish to sit beside the girl he deeply loves and he's deeply obsessed with—

It wasn't an experience that should be shared with another guy.

While the others talked, the only thing his ears can hear is the shipping and teasing that mostly comes out from Inha's mouth. Very surprising he thought. He was obviously irritated and very annoyed by this but he didn't let it be visible to the others.

"Can you stop it Inha? The new man will get uncomfortable." Mingyu jokingly asked his girlfriend while he sat behind the wheel.

"What do you mean? Look, Hayoon is even wearing the jacket that she told me Wonwoo gave her! I'm sure that my ship will sail in no time!" She retorted and sat back down to her seat, while Jeonghan felt his ear tickle.

'What jacket?' Jeonghan asked himself.

Jeonghan quickly went on to check Hayoon out and dead silently stared at the big black jacket she was wearing too comfortably. Jeonghan made another quiet irritated sigh and rolled his eyes to look back at the window again.

Jealousy and anger have obviously begun to overcome his mind, but he just chose to express it by cracking his knuckles one by one.

But still, Jeonghan can't help but think if it will be a very good idea to try and kill Wonwoo during the trip to the amusement park.

...Which wouldn't be very likely anyways so he just brushed the idea off and waited for the squeezing car ride to be over.

But after minutes that felt like hours of torture, the five of them finally arrived and stopped outside the amusement park.




The five of us finally arrived outside the amusement park as we're still waiting for Mingyu to buy the tickets for all five of us. I and Wonwoo tried to give him our own money for our own tickets, but Mingyu, like the rich kid he is, keeps on insisting and immediately runs off.

As we all waited for Mingyu outside the car, it really gave me some time to chat with Wonwoo a little and also discuss some rides we want to try. Wonwoo told me he wanted to try the roller coaster anytime, meanwhile, I told him I wanted to try the Ferris wheel instead.

"Okay, so how about we try the less-terrifying rides first before we try the roller coaster? And after that, maybe we can try the Ferris wheel to relax? It's perfect!" I exclaimed as I started to feel pumped with too much energy.

"Hahaha sure, I know that this park looks very amazing to explore but you should know that you always need to stay by my side. I don't want to see your mother's bad side, okay?" Wonwoo joked and smiled.

"Okay, okay, I'll try. But you also better keep up!" I unconsciously laughed as he did too.

"Yah, you two."

As we were still talking, a sudden deep voice chose to creep out of absolutely nowhere. I and Wonwoo instantly looked back to see who it was and it was none other than Jeonghan, wearing the most annoyed and coldest face he can show. His aura gave sudden unknown chills down my spine as this was totally the opposite of the chill vibes that I usually get from him.

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