#15: Love letter

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"What the hell is THIS?!" My eyes went wide open.

"No that's nothing! Believe me, I swear!" Mingyu quickly snatched the paper back from me.

"Wait.. you like Hayoon? Why didn't you tell me.."

"NO! I don't like her at all!" Mingyu freaked out.

"Then who is this from if it's not you?"

Mingyu let out a calming sigh and looked at me dead in the eye like he was very serious about this. Inha was looking away from Mingyu, clearly sad and lonely. I crossed my arms like the strong-looking woman I am and listened to what he was going to say.

"I actually don't know who's it from. I think it was just a random boy from another class that told me to give it to you. The whole thing looked and sounded very suspicious.." He explained. "After that awkward interaction, I wasn't really planning to give it to you. Well not until you noticed it and ended up here."

I can't even explain how I was beyond relieved and how Inha's face went back to normal in just the span of 0.02 seconds. She went back to her normal expression and she wasn't gloomy or sad anymore, she started to blush which I found very funny.

"Really? What does the boy look like?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Well, he does look a little handsome and very smart. But we don't know if he's the one who wrote the letter, maybe he was just told to pass the letter to you."

"But it's still not a good valid reason for you to go anyways, I just know that this letter is bad news and it's not safe. Take it as a reminder from your friend."

"But why do you think that?"

"I just worry for you Hayoon. I feel something's going to happen right after you meet the 'man' that wrote this." Mingyu spoke.

I felt so confused and very lost. I admit, this is my very first time getting these types of letters and it's very overwhelming. There's really something in my gut that keeps telling me to go and also another one that keeps telling me to do the opposite.

But after reading the letter once again, I still chose to go right after school...

"It says here to meet him at the café nearby around 5:30. I know where that café is and it's very close to where the police station is, don't worry much about me."

Mingyu gave me a disappointed-looking look and looked away in another direction. I know his intentions were good- but I just honestly wanna go. It's my first time receiving this type of letter and why waste it? Right?

"How about I just go with you in case? What if Mingyu's right?" Inha stepped in.

"It's okay Inha," I replied. " I can go there all by myself."


"Are you really sure you're going there? Seriously?!"

"Yes! I AM GOING!"


"But why? I know it's your first time receiving these types of letters but it doesn't mean that you're required to go. Do you understand me?" She pointed out.

"I know... but I'm just really genuinely curious. Just let me be please?"

I begged and begged and I eventually made her agree and promise me not to bother me again about it. She was obviously hesitant at first but I tried my best to reassure her that I'll be taking caution.

I was kinda excited to meet this strange man honestly...

"But all I'm saying is- IF he turns out to be a very nice and friendly guy, then I'm going to support it. But if not, I'm going to kick that guy out and kill him." Inha retorted.

"Oh, my- Sure o-okay..."


It's finally my dismissal and I was already done helping the others with cleaning. I already packed all of my things ready to go when I stopped by the hallway to fix my shoelaces. Not until someone also bent beside me to share a familiar warning.

"Inha told me that you're going. There's no escaping from what's going to happen." Someone made a very hearable whisper and walked away.

I got up to see who it was but he or she was gone. I looked everywhere from my spot but it didn't help me from finding my answer. It sounded 'highly' like Mingyu, warning me again from what's going to happen so I just brushed it off. After I was done tying my shoelaces, I glanced over at my wristwatch to realize-

it was already 5:19!

"Oh God- I'm going to be late!"

I ran my legs at full speed and stopped by the sidewalk. I waited for the light to turn green and spent the time catching my breath. After it turned green, I went back to running using the same speed as before. And finally, I arrived outside of the café.

I brushed and fixed my hair and proceeded to calm down. I pushed the door open and a small ring of a bell can be heard by everybody in the store. The cashier proceeded to greet me with a sweet smile while I searched for a particular guy wearing a similar boy's uniform from our school.

"Hayoon! Right here~" Someone called.

Oh, you've got to be kidding me right now...

"Here Hayoonie~" She waved.

Cha Ella, screw it I'm going to leave-

"Where do you think you're going? Ella is inviting you, brat." One of her crazy friends held me tightly in my arm and whispered.

"How about we sit and order some drinks shall we?" Another one of her friends whispered.

They dragged me up to Ella and made me sit down in front of her. They guarded me against behind my back and other people in the same shop didn't seem to notice and even care.

I guess it's because we were staying very further back.

"What do you want from me?" I asked, keeping a straight face towards her.

"Not much really."

"So you DO need something from me."

"Correct." She replied, sipping some of her coffee right after.

"What is it even? What is so important that you need to write a long-ass fake love letter to me and maybe even pay a boy to give it to Mingyu?" I spoke with a very angry calming tone.

"Well then, if you insist." She placed her mug down. "I just want to ask you and your best friend to keep away from my Mingyu."

"Easy right? Right little Hayoonie~" She hummed yet with evilness in her eyes.

I was disgusted by her words that I don't know what to do. I looked back at her two friends still guarding me and gulped. Ella continued to give me really weird looks while I gave her a disgusted expression back. 'Mingyu' was right...

..there's really no escaping this huh?

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