#13: The odd drive

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"Thank you for everything Mingyu. We really have fun hanging out with you." Inha said.

"We're sorry that we didn't get to bring any presents for you Mingyu. I just want to greet you Happy Birthday again, it's been a blast walking around your house." I joked as he laughed.

"Thanks Hayoon, but Inha also told me something earlier." He continued. "That's why I already prepared two cars to drive you two home. I think it will be very safe for you two especially at this time of the day."

I and Inha shared a glance at each other and back to the puppy-faced Mingyu. We were surprised by what he said but I still decided to try my best to decline his kind offer.

He already did enough.

"No, no- We're fine Mingyu! We can just walk by the corner and maybe catch a taxi there. You already did many things for us today Mingyu." I tried to refuse.

"Don't mind it and besides, it will be a quicker ride home. I also heard plenty of dangerous taxi drivers are coming out to catch some prey at this point, you know I can't risk that right?" He spoke.

"I mean... we can just... fine..."

"Well, that's settled! Just wait here by the main door and two of my drivers will be here soon. I just need to catch something pretty quick."

Mingyu soon left us and we didn't have any choice but to just wait by the main door. We were busy looking at random places when we were suddenly approached by two old men with a very fancy suit zipped on. And another thing about them is that they really looked very well-mannered and very well-polished.

"Are you the two girls that the young master told us to pick up?" One of them asked.

"Oh yes sir, why?" Inha responded.

"We're just here to notify you that one of the vehicles is currently broken. I need you to choose one of yourselves that is going to take the first ride home, so, who is it?"

I and Inha were quiet and looked at each other very slowly. We absolutely didn't know who to choose between ourselves until Inha decided to speak first right before I could.

"Let my friend here go first and I can wait for the second car. You go first Hayoon." She held my hand for reassurance.

"Why? You know I can just wait as long as I can here right?  Besides both of my parents aren't home, your father is going to kill you if you arrive past your curfew!" I whispered and yelled.

"I'm going to be fine Hayoon. You should go first because if someone sees you unlocking that gate in the middle of the dark- You'll be in BIG trouble." She spoke. "She'll go first, mister."

The man gave us a small bow before he left and left us again in our spot. A minute passed and two bright lights can be seen shining from afar, a fancy-looking black car stopped in front of us. I carefully went inside and shared a final glance towards Inha and mouthed the words 'Be careful' before leaving.

"We'll be taking our leave miss."


Already 3 minutes into the ride and we're still halfway to where my house is. The whole car ride was dead silent and it was a little awkward but not really that uncomfortable. I did try to break the silence but not until my phone decided to do it for me instead.

"Hello? Wonwoo?" I answered.

"Oh goodness you answered. I was just going to ask you if you can go with me about something. I just need to discuss some things with you."

"Really? Sure, sure." I replied. "I guess I'm free tomorrow, just text me where we're going to meet and I'll be there." I said and smiled.

"Sure I'll be waiting for you."

"Sure, and also Wonwoo-"

"Miss we're almost there." The driver cut me off.

"O-Oh, thanks." I said.

"Got to go Wonwoo, looking forward to our meeting." I whispered.

I quickly hung up the call and took a look outside the window to make sure. And without warning at all from me, I looked at the front mirror and shared quick eye contact with the driver. He quickly looked away and I KNEW I successfully caught him off-guard.

"Miss, we're here."

"Oh finally."

He stopped the car right in front of my house and I gave him a small bow before he 'left'. I quickly unlocked my gate as fast as I could and bolted my feet inside my house.

"Finally! I'm hoooome!" I cheered.

I removed my uniform off and went to have a quick shower to refresh myself again. I got my comfy pajamas out of my wardrobe and put them on. I was in the middle of peacefully brushing my teeth when I thought of something beyond odd.

"Wait, how did he know where my house is when I didn't even tell anyone about my address? Let alone ask for some directions ?"

And suddenly, hard big knocks can be heard from the door. I completely froze at my spot and ran to the kitchen to get some weapons to protect myself from the soon-to-be intruder.

"Who is it?!"

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