- Birthday chapter: 10/04/21

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 Morning just had risen and you were already standing at the terrace, with no kind of rain nor bad weather to ruin the moment. Grassfields were scattered wide around the countryside as the clean wind blew softly to your face, causing you to inhale the breeze and enjoy the gorgeous view set in front of your eyes.

 While you took your time to spend your alone-time, you suddenly felt a sudden tug over at the bottom hem of your shirt.

"Han-Han? Did the chickens outside wake you up again like last time?" You asked and picked the still sleepy 5-year-old up, his droopy eyes staying visible.

"Yes mama," He deeply yawned before rubbing his eyes for a moment. "but it's okie... it is alright."

 You can't help melt from your son's cuteness which was explained by your resistance to giving a pinch to his chubby cheeks. It was obvious that the child was still sleepy but whenever you ask him if he wants to go back to bed, he just shakes his head.

"Are you sure? Mama can't sing you to sleep again." You suggested once again.

"No-no, I want to stay." He murmured back.

 You granted the toddler's wish and let him stay with you. You patted his back while he sat on your lap and sooner as you expected, the small child returned to dreamland. 

 You tried to make your giggles quiet and your movements careful as you returned the child to its small bed, preparing yourself once it wakes up again.

 After you were done, you tiptoed your way to your shared bedroom and peeked behind the slightly open door silently.

 Your husband's, Jeonghan's rather, snores were the only sound coming from the whole bedroom. You grinned from his ridiculous face he was unconsciously making and reserved all your laughter once you went outside.

 You usually don't wake up this early but the occasion today was already enough of a reason. You already planned 'some things' beforehand and all you needed to do was to make sure the ending product was perfect.

— Perfect for your husband's one and only birthday.


"Hayoon-ah! You finally arrived!" A familiar chirpy voice greeted you and instantly pulled into a very tight, squeezing hug.

"Inha, I haven't seen you for a long time!" You breathed out.

"Yeah! And it's just because you always don't have the time to visit me!" She let go of you and acted like she was mad, but you knew she really wasn't.

 You examined your long-time best friend and you can't really miss out her admiring beauty. She was wearing beautiful pearl earrings and glancing down at her fingers, her ring was still in the same perfect condition as ever.

"Okay, the cake you requested is already done and I made sure to make it look splendid." She clapped her hands excitedly. "And also, I kind of purposely made it heavy to carry so that I can help you~ Hehe~"

 You spared her a glare and scolded her in order to stop teasing you. And going back to the cake, Inha was correct because the cake was insanely huge! You didn't even know how many layers she stacked up on top of each one...

It was just so big!

"Inha, I specifically told you that two layers are enough! Not hundreds!" You groaned.

"And that's why I also specifically drove here today with my car! Come on, I also wanted to see Han-Han too! It's been a long time~"

"Ughhh, fine." You rubbed your temple, still groaning. "But we still need to stop by and buy some additional decorations, okay?"

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