#06: Protect you

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"Hello sunbaenim." Mingyu said, appearing out of nowhere.

"Oh Mingyu, you're here! I thought you ran off somewhere!" Inha exclaimed.

"I was, but I think calling a teacher is not really an option here."

"What? How can you say that?" I said not realizing I was butting in someone's conversation.

"Well..." Mingyu suddenly took a glance towards Jeonghan. "If we called a teacher and told him or her everything, Kai would probably do something to stop it. There's no chance he will just accept it, he looks like that type of guy."

I was really confused about what Mingyu was trying to say, but going back he really made a lot of sense. Jeonghan quickly later agreed with his idea and we decided to keep it a secret to ourselves. But I really don't see the good reason here, you can say that I was still doubting.

"Hayoon-ah." Someone pulled me away from my thoughts.

"Oh, sunbaenim- Jeonghan! C-Can I help you?"

"Um... I just want to ask you something. Can I?" He asked, quickly receiving a big nod from me.

"Sure, what is it?"



"Ah~ That was a long day. How about we go for some ice cream? What do you think?"

"Oh, I think that's a good idea. How about you, Hayoon-ah?"

"Hm? Hayoon-ah? Hayoon-ah!"

"Huh?" I snapped out of my thoughts quickly going back from reality. "Oh, can you repeat what you said?"

"Aish, I said if you want to get some ice cream. Are you even listening?" Inha ranted, making me bite my lip thinking for a response.

"It's nothing, I'm just thinking about some school stuff..."

"Oh really?" Inha gave me a suspicious look, raising one eyebrow.


"Well okay then, do you want to go with us?"

"Sure." I replied.

"So what are we waiting for? Let's go!"

The three of us gladly took off and walked our way to the ice cream parlor. But the same thoughts don't seem to want to leave my head and I don't really know why. Is it really about school stuff? Is it about what happened earlier? It's not the situation I got into with Kai, but instead what Jeonghan asked me after what happened. It had been driving me crazy, making me think as deeply as I could about every word he said.

"Can I protect you?" He asked.


"Can I... protect you?" He repeated.

"What do you mean by that sunbaenim?" I gave him a confused look.

"Just say yes, and you'll see what I mean." He smiled, genuinely.

"O-Okay, yes?"

"Good, thank you." He smiled once again as the bell made us part our own ways to our classrooms.

"What does he mean?!" I yelled, making both Inha and Mingyu startled.

"Yah! Can you just tell me what's bothering you? Your ice cream is already melting— YAH!"

"W-What?" I stuttered, taking a look at my ice cream just to see she was right.

"Hayoon-ah, we've been talking here and you're... just there." Mingyu pointed out.

"I'm sorry Mingyu-ah, but I'm actually itching to go somewhere. Do you mind?" I asked, looking at him and Inha back and forth.

"Sure, it looks important. I'll be with Mingyu." Inha replied, making Mingyu agree as well.

"Thanks! I'll be going!" I smiled giving my fully melted ice cream to Inha's other hand


I quickly went for a run to nobody-but-me-knows-where. I've been secretly visiting a particular place hopefully to meet a particular person. After that accident happened, everybody would expect me to be 'traumatized' or to be 'scared-looking back', but I was more different than other victims. I actually have been a detective myself these days, gathering my own evidence at the crime scene.

"Here we are..." I mumbled probably staring at the darkest and terrifying alleyway in the city.

Oh my God, it always gives me the chills...

I slowly walked inside and watched every step I took. I was looking around at every corner hoping to catch any leads until I stepped into someone's clothes on the floor.

"W-What? I have never seen this before here—"

"WHO'S THAT? WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" A deep old man's voice yelled.

I quickly felt shivers down my spine as I realized it was a homeless old man's voice. He wasn't skinny but his clothes were dirty.

"I-I'm sorry sir! I didn't know that you live here!" I gave him a deep bow and ran until I felt a tight grab down on my wrist.

I started to scream.

"S-Sir let go!" I begged as I started to run away and seek help.

This isn't happening again!

"HELP! SOMEONE HELP! PLEASE HELP!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, making him take something from his belt, a sharp pocket knife.

"S-Sir! We don't need to go there!"

He placed his knife against my neck that made me stop and don't move a single muscle. I started babbling prayers under my breath until we heard a loud noise from afar. Our eyes were looking everywhere until—


A gunshot, through the old man's chest, leaving me and my brain hard to process what just happened.

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