#11: Why presents if you have everything?

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Today is already the day after when Inha and I met with Wonwoo yesterday. The three of us became very good friends making us exchange our phone numbers right after.

It's another school day again when I arrive at school very early in the morning. It's very uncommon for me to arrive this early because I usually came very late because of extreme oversleeping. But today is not the day, why you ask?

Just because of uncommon reasons... I guess?

"Oh, you're here early~"

"Oh, Inha— You're already here!" I removed my gaze from my notebook.

"Yep! You told me you're coming a little early so how about I do the same?"

"Of course, you can do that as always." I giggled.

Minute by minute mostly one to two students come in the room. The classroom became louder and louder but Inha pointed something off. When the teacher finally arrived at our class, that's when I realized what she was talking about.

"Where's Mingyu?" Inha asked, looking around the class.

"Do you think that I know?" I whispered back.

"I know! What if he's—"

"Inha and Hayoon in the back! If you don't want to listen in the discussion you can get out and march to the principal's office!" The teacher yelled, shifting the whole class's attention to two helpless girls.

"We're sorry seonsaengnim..."


Many hours already passed and we're almost done with school. Mingyu didn't end up coming and we already forgot about his 'party'. The bell finally rang and everybody started to pack their bags along with me and Inha. We quickly exited the school but stopped by the sidewalk near the gate, hoping to see any familiar face nearby.

"Do you think he's really coming?"

"I absolutely don't know. How about we just get some milk or something?" I recommended.


We almost started walking away from our original spot until an expensive-looking car stopped in front of us. They actually almost ran us over but we luckily backed away at the right time. We stood there incredibly confused until someone familiar ran their window from the backseat.

"MINGYU?!" I and Inha exclaimed.

"Hello guys~ I'm here~" He smiled very cheerfully.

"Why didn't you come to school today? We almost thought that you weren't coming!"

"Naaah, I'm not like those men. I'm not gonna leave you standing you know?" He chuckled.

"Yeah, sure, is this what you mean by picking us up?" She asked, placing her hands on her hips.

"Yep, you're right! Hop in!"

I and Inha shared our glances at each other and it's obvious that we don't know what to do. Mingyu kept his smile on his face while we both looked back at him again. We hesitated to agree but we still ended up doing it. He opened the door for us and let the windows stay open while his driver drove us to their never-seen home.

Just 17 minutes later we stopped at a BIG, WEALTHY-LOOKING, and EXPENSIVE-LOOKING Mansion.

"Oh my God... this is... an abnormal size for a house."

"You can say that again," I replied. "Should we be sorry that we didn't bring any gifts?"

"Why presents if you have everything?"

"I think that's not it..."

"I think you're the first girls that I brought here. Felt honored yet?" Mingyu teased.

"Oh shut up! This is the first time that I saw a big mansion in my entire life!" Inha said in awe.

"Don't worry it will be yours very soon."


"LET'S GO INSIDE SHALL WE?" I blurted out.


"So I think that's enough. I'm sorry if I wasted your time walking around. You two good?" Mingyu turned to the two of us.

"I-It's okay Mingyu, we're okay." Inha said trying her best not to drool over at the red carpet she was walking in.

"How about we head out to the dining room and get something to eat? I bet you two are hungry."

"Yeah I bet, let's go!" Inha replied.

We headed to Mingyu's dining room and it's almost the same size as my entire house. Mingyu's house is really massive and it's full of empty rooms on every floor we landed on. There's a couple of rooms that actually looked occupied but it's just another over-decorated guest room as expected.

And when we finally got to arrive at their dining room, we were met by four maids, four butlers, and a large dining table as soon as we walked in. What kind of house is really is this?!

"Is that their servants?" We froze in disbelief.

"I think it is, I really didn't expect this much omg." I answered back.

"That's... understandable..."

"Why are you standing there? Go take a seat!" Mingyu called.

"We're coming!"

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