#34: Catch up

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After that intense situation that the three of us made, as Jeonghan said before, we quickly made our way to the food court anyway and met up with Mingyu and Inha again. During our way there, we 'kind of' signaled each other not to say anything about what really happened and just shut our mouths about our REAL experience.

All of us got to talk more at the food court and during our small chat, Mingyu expressed how he enjoyed being with Inha in the pirate ship ride. Some teasing by the others later, Mingyu suddenly thought of a good idea. We all listened while he discussed it and it was very simple to say the least, scrap the 'going to rides in a group' rule and just split up.

To put in another lens, Inha and Mingyu will go on to make our whole park idea like they went here for their own date. Meanwhile Wonwoo, Jeonghan and I will continue to spend more time with each other.

Like that carousel thing didn't just happen.

"Mingyu, what if something happens to the other group while the other group wasn't there? What if someone gets lost? It'll be better not to split up. Especially when it'll be dark sooner and later." Inha gladly spoke up which made me relieved for the meantime.

"Don't worry, I bet all of us can text each other in case something goes wrong. I'll be here to protect you while Hayoon will be with Wonwoo and Jeonghan. Don't you want to spend more time with your boyfriend alone?~" Mingyu sang and pouted, just to be shoved by Inha.

"It's not like that Mingyu, it's just that..." Inha paused and looked across us, looking away after she stole a glance over at Jeonghan's direction.

"I'm just not sure about your idea. That's all."

The atmosphere between all of us became uneasy suddenly as we went on to discuss further more if it would be really a very good idea. Mingyu goes on to convince his girlfriend and thinks of a plan that hopes to resolve the situation.

"How about we just vote? The one with the highest majority wins." Mingyu uttered, catching all of our attention.

"Okay, raise your hand if you don't like the idea and stick with going in groups."

I and Inha raised our hands, shit.

Mingyu smirked and instantly continued. "Mhm, okay. Raise your hands if you like my idea."




"Well, this is going to be very fun."


"Take care guys! Go have fun without us and just text us in case a fight breaks out!~" Mingyu waved as he hopped away with glee with his girlfriend, completely away from us.

''If a fight breaks out' really? Can I just get some pay for babysitting these two guys instead?'

"That 23 billion rich brat..." I whispered before turning to the two guys behind me. "So, what do you want to do now guys..?"

Some silence took over us until Jeonghan just shrugged his shoulders and nonchalantly replied. "Don't know, haven't thought of it yet."

"Hmm... how about we try the rollercoaster—"

"Nope, no can do mister." Jeonghan bluntly stopped Wonwoo from speaking and repeatedly shook his head. "We just ate, I don't want anyone to puke or get sick. Especially Hayoon."

I felt the sudden blood rush up to my cheeks but gladly, I was able to hide it and still speak fluently. "Well, what should we try then?"

My question made them focus and also hopefully came up with some ideas. My mind was going blank until when my eyes captured what seemed to be an entrance to a part of the park. I squinted my eyes to read the sign and I was right.

It was an entrance to the carnival games.

"Hey look, I didn't know there were carnival games here." I pointed behind them as they followed with their eyes. "How about we just spend some of our time there?"



The two of us decided to follow Hayoon's suggestion and walked towards where she pointed. As soon as we entered, our eyes automatically scattered around and looked at the rows of tents fastened to the ground.

There were various games that were free to choose from but we just let Hayoon pick anything she wanted to try. It didn't take a matter of seconds when Hayoon's beautiful eyes picked something in her view. She asked us if we wanted to try the ring toss game for a start and I and the cold guy quickly said yes.

"Three please." Hayoon asked as she handed the guy behind the counter some money.

The guy took the money and later gave us 5 rings each to toss over the bottles in front of us. He told us that if either of us gets three rings in the bottles, we can win any simple prize. I went on toss some of my rings and as expected,

I only tossed one ring successfully. Some progress at least.

"That's not how you toss them. Here, let me show you."

I looked to my right and saw what's happening. After he spoke, he quickly went behind Hayoon and proceeded to teach her 'how to toss rings properly'. I kept eyeing Jeonghan's motions like I'm a possessive boyfriend or whatever and continuously stared at them until they finished.

Hayoon ended up happily tossing 3 rings and picked a small keychain as a prize in the end. She thanked Jeonghan for the help when I suddenly felt rolling my eyes from the bitter sight I was witnessing. When I came to realize what I just did, I looked at the two people in front of me and thought of something.

Why do I feel craving for her attention out of the blue? Why do I want her to notice me so badly?

"Look, I see someone playing darts there. What do you think?" Jeonghan asked as he smiled cheerfully, obviously ignoring my existence behind.

"Really? Wonwoo what do you think—"

"Nahhh, I bet he's fine with it." Jeonghan again said innocently, making sure to make their intertwined fingers present at me.

"Let's go before the line goes longer. He'll surely catch up."

And just with a second passed, they disappeared from my view. I did follow their figures and saw how they both just grinned and laughed on this happy day, I mean, it's meant to be that way.

But why me? I was happy earlier but why do I feel I'm losing something out of a sudden?

'Hahaha, catch up...' I repeated his phrase as I now took my turn to smile, but out of bitterness instead of happiness.

I'll do catch up, don't worry about it.


I really planned to upload this earlier when I suddenly got caught up in some things hehe. Sorry if this chap/my chaps are kinda 'eh' but I'll try my best to explain my plot greater and more clearer 😅 

I wish you stay tuned to the next chaps btw! I don't know if 'one part' will reach the next chap but I'll try my best to try. Thank you again for all the people who kept supporting me!

- raine

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