#17: Accusations

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"I think he's on it! I think he wants to expand his killing spree with killing girls too!"

"I really think he poisoned Ella inside that café!"

We were still sitting behind his pick-up truck while I burst out my thoughts for him to process. He tried to calm me down and he proceeded to ask me some questions to expand my idea. Until one question really made me think more deeply.

"Okay, okay. Why do you think it's him?"

"Honestly, I'm not sure about it. But tell me why he's there right after a big poisoning just happened? There can't be no another possibility! There's no coincidence!"

He started to deeply think about what I said as I stayed quietly beside him. I suddenly began to examine his features as he does but I quickly snapped out of it when he decided to finally speak.

"Are you really sure that he's him? You witnessed plenty of things during that time and maybe you spotted the wrong person. Hallucinations mostly tend to appear when something like that happens."

"I think I'm really saying the truth! He got that same posture, intimidating eyes, and black outfit!" I counted.

"Sigh, after a love letter from a boy gone wrong, witnessing a girl that you know get poisoned and seeing the 'murderer' himself." He gave me a small pat on the back.

"I think you need some rest, let me drive you home."



It's finally the next day and I was intensely terrified to go to school. It's not because there may be a murderer in the loose, but yet the students in the school itself. I know Cha Ella's friends very well and they're POISONOUS as a snake bite.

I soon walked my way to school and stopped by the front gate to check if there's something wrong. When I felt it's all clear and fine, I started to walk 2 times my normal speed.

When I realized... THERE WAS something wrong.


"Isn't that Kang Hayoon? She's the last person to be with Ella right?"

"I heard she poisoned Ella in the café... I bet she's insane."

"You all still 'convinced' it's her? I'm certain it's her!"

"Why isn't she still arrested yet?!"


As whispers and mutters filled the hallway, I tried my best to ignore it but I couldn't help it. My tears wanted to flow so bad but I did all my best to take it all in and go straight to my classroom. I was still halfway to where my class was located when someone suddenly popped in front of me.

"Ha! You really still have the balls to go here huh?" She evilly and loudly laughed.

"You psychopath!"

By only her voice, I can already recognize it was one of Ella's unnamed friends. (I guess continuing Ella's legacy while she recovered at the hospital.) I ignored her remark and walked into my class.

And as expected, dozens of eyes proceeded to follow my move to my assigned seat.


"Inha keep it down!" I whispered.


People quickly got back to doing their usual stuff and Inha sat back at her seat. She started to ask some questions in pure concern as I tried to reassure and calm her down. Only a couple of minutes later, a familiar tall guy went inside and rushed towards us.

Yep, it's our tall beanpole Kim Mingyu.



Classes thankfully ran smoothly and there were no major 'dramas' that happened during it. There was a case where I couldn't help but notice that two girls started to pass some notes to each other...

But I really didn't think much of it because it might be just two innocent friends trying to communicate in the middle of a boring math class.

I, Inha, and Mingyu took our packed lunches and walked out of the classroom. But before we got out, I took out a large piece of clothing and wore it by the hood.

As I did, a strong and a very familiar male scent proceeded to mix through the air. Making Inha ask me about it while we were walking outside.

"Umm... Hayoon?" She called.


"Um... care to tell me and Mingyu why the HELL YOU SMELL LIKE MALE COLOGNE?!" She burst out of nowhere.

"Wait what?" Mingyu looked at us and continued to sniff the jacket I was wearing.

"You do smell like male cologne! IT IS male cologne!" He confirmed.

"But not really the smell that I want to wear personally." He commented.

"Well... um... it belonged to a friend-"

I was about to tell them the truth when someone interrupted us at the right time and in the right place. When we looked over to see who it was, we were greeted by a smiley dude. Casually waving his hand over us cheerfully.

"Ayo Mingyu! Do you want to join us in the cafeteria- Oh, hello ladies!"

"O-Oh.. hi." I and Inha stuttered.

Silence quickly took over the whole place until Mingyu decided to break it. He asked him what he wanted and it was actually very simple. 'Seokmin' over here just wanted to invite Mingyu for lunch with the other '97 liners in school.

At first, Mingyu didn't want to go because he said he was 'shy' and 'wasn't really that social.' We knew it was a big fat lie and made Inha and I laugh quietly. After some pushing and encouragement, we got him to agree and let Seokmin drag him to the cafeteria.

"Have fun boys!~" We teased.


"I bet Mingyu has already forgotten about us... OH MY GOD, I MISS HIM!" She fake-cried. "I MISS HIMMMMM~"

"Yeah, I bet you do. And I also bet that he already showed his true colors to the other boys he's with."

"Yeeeaaah, I'm also thinking the same thing. He can't literally stand being quiet and properly behaved."

"Sounds perfectly your type to me." I said as I wiggled my eyebrows jokingly.


We continued to chat on the rooftop and already finished our lunches. We already cleaned up our spot and we both started to get bored easily. Without anything to talk about, we were stuck staring at the beautiful view when nature suddenly decided to call for me to go.

"Hey Inha, I'm just going to go." I stood up. "I'll be really quick."

"Oh sure, do you want me to go with you too?" She asked.

"Nah, I'm okay all by myself. Just look out for my stuff and I'll get back for 2 minutes."

"Sure." She responded.

"Take care."

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