#37: That days with you

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'...is it too late to tell you that you were able to make those four days the greatest and treasured moments of my life? Why did you need to slip away like that?'



It was the second day, Tuesday precisely, you waited and walked me to school. I genuinely didn't expect you to be there in front of my doorstep again, but the feelings were still powerful. I still remembered how our small conversation went on that particular morning, 

it was very fluttering.

"You know, I really hope that I can do this forever in my lifetime." He said, inhaling the fresh breeze while we walked.

"Hm? What do you mean by that?"

"Something like this." He looked up at the sky. "Waiting in front of your doorstep, walking with you every day at school, living a peaceful life like it's forever..."

I now looked up at him and said, "You know you don't realize that you're basically saying that you want to wait every single day in your whole lifetime, you're literally making it sound like a punishment to me." I laughed.

"Sigh. Well, you know, it's not a punishment to me as long as the person I'm waiting for eventually comes at the end." Keeping his relaxed expression, he looked at me.

"So, Hayoon?"


"Don't leave me, promise?"

After promising each other and intertwining both of our pinkies together, we arrived and the bell made us separate again. Mingyu and Inha didn't seem to ask about both of us but I think it's for the best. At lunch, Mingyu and Inha let us go off again and let us spend it with each other.

Even though Inha wasn't really that visibly fond of it.

But anyway, right after eating, you abruptly noticed that I looked very troubled while doing one of my assignments.

"You look puzzled, what's that?" He leaned over and took a short peek. "Oh, that? That's very easy! Here, let me help you."

I tried to stop you but you still insisted. You go on to teach me the required steps and techniques I needed to do, but instead of me listening, 

I was stuck staring at your talking figure. 

It didn't take long for you to realize I wasn't paying attention and you scolded me for that, but still taught me the steps again.

'An ideal man, indeed.'



It was already the third day and I already felt I was ready to tell you that I finally like you back, but I decided to wait for the fifth day.

The same cycle continued but this time, after meeting up around dismissal, you asked me if we could visit a shop and maybe buy some drinks. I quickly agreed to your idea but as soon as we reached the 'shop', I realized it was the same exact cafe where I witnessed Ella get poisoned by my own eyes...

that made everyone in school blame it on me.

"I heard that they make good coffee here, I tried it myself and it seems to taste very good. What do you think?"

I calmed my expression down and replied, "This shop looks great but... I'm not kinda feeling like getting coffee right now. How about we..." I paused. 

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