#01: The week before [01]

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'Breaking news, there was another reported murder of a 16-year-old male high school student in Seoul that was found dead by an alleyway near the famous Han river.' The news anchor announced.

'Police say that he was killed by the same man who killed another 18-year-old boy in an abandoned warehouse last month. If some of you know where to find him, please report to the nearest police station or call the number below on your screen.' She paused.

'Thank you.'


"Yah," My mom called. "Hayoon-ah"

"Yeah, mom?" I quickly responded by minding my own business, watching the news.

"You better take care of yourself these days. You don't know if the killer is lurking around or not." Said mom, keeping a straight face.

"I know mom. But, do you still want me to buy you meat from the supermarket?" I asked also keeping a straight face, obviously stopping myself to laugh.

She gave me a long look before rolling her eyes at me sarcastically, she thought that I was taking her reminder as a joke.

"Yeah, we're running out of meat. BUT! Can you take this as seriously as you can?!" She said, "And yes we do need meat from the supermarket..."

Right after she said that, I let out a little chuckle and got up to get my coat.

"Of course mom, copied." I gave her a reassuring smile before running out of the house.


Gosh her voice is so loud.

I continued to walk to the crowded streets while hiding my hands inside my pockets. Some minutes later. I suddenly felt my phone buzzing. I ran by the corner and checked my phone, it's Inha. She's my best friend back from school.

"Hello? Inha you there?" I answered.

"Hello, Hayoonie~ I'm alright as usual. Just asking how you're doing." She replied.

I took a look around and saw the supermarket from not far away, I'm actually quite near.

"I actually need to buy something from the supermarket. How about we talk later? I'll be quick." I shyly said through the phone.

"Oh sorry, you can definitely call me later. Bye!"

"Sure, Bye!" I bid goodbye back as I hung up the entire call.

I returned my phone inside my pocket and proceeded to run towards the supermarket. I went to find where they stock some of their raw foods— Meanwhile, I avoided the freezers where the ice cream was sitting.

"Not today, not today." I recited over and over again. "Ugh, where am I going to find those?"

After minutes of exploring the whole store, I finally found one of the freezers where they stock it. And oh boy, I carried that heavy thing to where it came from way to the cashier.

I think I deserve a Popsicle for this.

"Yeah, I'm getting a Popsicle."


20 Minutes just passed but the streets went from crowded to not even half of it. It's nearly empty. I checked my wristwatch and it's nearly 8:30 pm, and my hands are PACKED.

One hand is carrying the bag of meat while the other one is holding my Popsicle slowly dripping itself to liquid. I was trying to stop it from dripping when a sudden realization hit me pretty hard in the head.

Where am I?

"Oh my God- Where am I?" I panicked.

Still holding a pretty heavy bag, I started to go back to where I came from. Is this what I get because I bought a single Popsicle? I started to track my footsteps until my body froze in sudden sight.

Is that a dead male high school student's body?

"Oh my God- No, no, NO!" My hands dropped everything as I covered my mouth in shock.

"What am I going to do- My phone!" I whispered as I reached it out from my pocket.

I started to type something on my keypad until the atmosphere changed pretty quickly. Somebody's here, it's not the police and I know it. Slow footsteps can be heard from behind and I just felt my body froze.

Why can't I move..?

"W-Who are you?"

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