#33: Up and Down

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"Waaaaahhhh! That was fun! So guys, what should be our next ride?" Mingyu asked as he was busy cracking his hands, making some small sounds in the process.

"How about the pirate ship ride?" Inha suddenly chirped in and pointed out. "You suggested that earlier, right Mingyu?"

It was already 4 o'clock on my wristwatch as I chose not to pay any attention to the rest of my friend's conversation. I was distracted staring at other people but I knew they were already discussing what should be the next ride that we were going to try.

Some minutes later, when I finally chose to listen to them talking, I immediately regretted my dumb decision of not listening to them way up to the start.

They settled at the pirate ship ride... What am I supposed to do now?!

Based on personal experience, I really hated trying the pirate ship ride. I have experienced multiple cases of dizziness, spacing out, and even light vomiting in one situation.

I tried to tell the others about my 'condition' but I felt I lost time as they already cued to begin walking their way there.

As I slowly lost hope and tried to convince myself quietly that it will be okay, that's when one particular person thought that it will be the perfect moment and decided to pop up and talk with me.

"Why didn't you tell them?"

While I began to walk right behind them in silence, a familiar deep voice spoke beside me as my head automatically shot up to see who it was.

It was Jeonghan, expectedly.

He kept casually looking straight forward towards his path while he spoke, so I did the same thing and diverted my gaze in the same direction.

Was I that obvious back there?

"What? What do you mean?" I replied, trying my best to pretend not to know what he was talking about.

I heard him scoff resentfully as he just decided to continue talking. "That you don't like pirate ship rides? Are you really just going to let them force you to do what you don't want?" He said in a cold tone as I just sighed.

"What do you mean 'them'? Didn't you also agree about trying the pirate ship ride? And plus, how did you even know I didn't like—"

"Well, did you once hear me speak or at least hear a word from my mouth earlier?" He cut me off as I just indirectly raised an eyebrow because of him.

"Um... no?" I hesitated but answered anyway.

"Mhm, did you see me once agree or at least give a nod to one of them?" The older male asked again, while he waited for my answer.

"U-Uhh... also no?" I answered once again, not sure about my response.

Before I can ask him about what he was trying to do, he suddenly chose to bend his waist and lower his upper body at my level. I instantly stopped my tracks when I realized how his face was so close to mine.

I instinctively blushed and quickly backed away, obviously with an innocent attempt to add a little distance between us.

"Well, because you answered all of my questions right, I will give you a chance to escape the supposed fate you almost faced today." He grinned widely and stood back more firmly.

"How about the both of us try the carousel instead? How does that sound?"

I was stuck thinking about how to respond to him. I was also distracted again from his ability to change his emotions like a snap of a finger. I was busy forming the right words and the right sentences— That again, we didn't both notice that our friends also stopped walking and stared at us for a deserving minute.

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