#44: Captive

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"That boy really thought I could keep my word, he really didn't learn very well did he?"



"Young master, the driver already prepared the car downstairs. He's only waiting for you to arrive—"

"Give me some time and I'll be there soon. Just carry my bags there, would you?"

The random maid told what I told her while I just remained sitting on top of my bed. I enjoyed the sight of my room for one last time before sighing and leaving the small space. I was almost close to where the car parked when a small tap was felt on my shoulder.

Mingyu pulled me into a tight hug and mumbled, "Just call me if you want to escape from that new school of yours. Always remember that I have connections in the states that can help you, just give me a signal and I'll pay them to help you with anything." He pulled away.

"I know Mingyu," I ruffled his hair. "I'll take note of that. Also, watch over her if anything goes wrong alright? If something does happen, contact me right away."

We did a final brotherly embrace before he let me go and allowed me to go to the car. I made myself comfortable in the backseat but I can't still stop sensing something wrong deep in my core.

As the darkness slowly continued to fill the sky, we reached the place where father hired a private plane to take me to the states. I stepped out from the vehicle and looked at my surroundings, not a single emotion presented in my eyes while I did so.

"Where's the plane?"

"The plane still hasn't arrived yet and they're now calling another plane to take you, young master." A man approached me and answered my half-hearted question.

My servants and I waited for the plane to arrive and it did eventually some minutes later. I prepared myself first and breathed some of that Korean air for the very last time, finally walking heavy steps way up the aircraft.


Who the hell is that—

"Mr. Jo? What do you want?" I nonchalantly asked, not caring about any such thing at this point.

"Y-Your father, he didn't stay true to his words at all." He heavily panted. "He took that girl... I think he's going to do something and—"


I gave him permission to drag me away from the crowd and tell me all that he knew. Mixed feelings took all over my system and my whole body just automatically stomped to the nearest empty car.

"Young master! Your father wouldn't be happy—"


My driver and a couple of people tried to stop both of us but I fought back, reminding them I'm still the son of their boss. All of them took a big step back from the car and silently let me drive away from the place, quickly driving to a somewhat familiar location.

'I bet one of those guys who saw me yesterday and told him.' I thought based on my logic.

'I know I should have done something about it, I'm such an idiot.'

Thanks to how fast and high the speed we were in, we arrived quite in time for the not expected party. I parked the car exactly behind a very rusty gate and Mr. Jo's sharp eyes were quick to catch something, someone people rather, from afar. Reporting me about it right away.

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