Graveyard Madness

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Your POV-

You walked slowly in complete darkness. You were blind to your surroundings. Why are you blind at this moment? Undertaker covered your (E/C) eyes with his right hand. Today the both of you were scheduled to have your date. You were clueless on ,where Undertaker was taking you, since you are blind at the moment.

" Undertaker, where are you taking me?" I shouted at his.

" Just a little longer deary we are almost there." He chuckles.

You huffed and continued wondering, what crazy place he was taking you to. After what seemed like hours of walking both Undertaker and you came to a holt. Undertaker then moved his hand away from your eyes letting you see your new surroundings.

" Here we are my dear." He chuckles as he ushered you forward.

You looked at your surroundings and gasped. Undertaker had taken you to a very old graveyard. Most people would say it was creepy, but to you it was just pretty in its own way. Yet still a little creepy.

You then looked to Undertaker, who was wearing a black suit and gray tie. The button of the suit were a dark silver and were shaped like little skulls. He had his hear clipped back so you could see his beautiful green eyes. You averted your eyes from Undertaker and looked around at the beautiful scenery one again.

" It's really pretty Undertaker." You said in awe.

" I'm glad you like it deary. " He smiled and ushered you deeper into the cemetery.

After five minutes of walking the both of you came to a old willow tree surrounded by old gravestones. Underneath the tree was a tall table and two tall chairs. A single dark red rose, placed in a glass vase, stood in the middle of the table. To top it off, the set up was all lit by multiple lanterns.

" U-Undertaker.. It's-"

" This is our dinner date for the evening my lady." He grinned and bowed, offering his hand out to you.

You gladly took it and he guided you to the table. Undertaker pulled out a chair for you as you sat down. He then took the unoccupied seat in front if you and grinned.

" Dinner should arrive soon my lady." He said.

Not to long afterwords Sebastian came out. But this time he looked 'really' different. This time Sebastian was wearing a white bunny suit. You covered your mouth to try and not laugh but it was becoming difficult not too. ' This must be payback for making Undertaker dress like a cat.' You giggled to yourself.

" May I start the two of you off with some drinks." Sebastian said irritatedly.

" Yea two cups of Earl Gary my fine bunny." Undertaker chuckles.

You giggled as Sebastian eye twitched. He then left to retrieve the drinks leavening you alone with Undertaker again. You twitted your thumbed not knowing what to say or do now. ' What should I say? I'm so nervous I can't find any words.' You thought.

" I have a nice activity planed for us after the meal my dear." Undertaker said breaking the silence.

" Really? What kind of activity?" You asked.

Undertaker put a finger to his lips and said, " It's a surprise."

You rolled your eye as Sebastian came back with the drinks. He set down both of your glasses and bowed. " The food chosen for tonight will be out in a minute." He said and left once again. Sebastian didn't take long to come back with two plates of warm pasta. He set the plates down in front of you and Undertaker. Taking a bow he left, while muttering something about how itchy the suit was. You giggled and silently took a bite of your food.

" How is your pasta my dear." Undertake said as he took another bite of his food.

" It's delicious Undertaker!" You said happily.

Undertaker simply nodded and continued eating. Once you both were done eating, you pushed your plate away and looked at Undertaker.

" What are your plans now Undertaker?" You asked curiously.

" We are going to play a little game my dear." He chuckled.

" And that would be?"

Undertaker shot under the table and pulled out two shovels. You looked at her curiously as he gave you one of the shovels. You were about to ask him what was going on until Undertaker interrupted you.

" We are going to dig some graves!" He said excitingly.

" What?!" You yelled.

That night you were stuck digging graves with Undertaker. It wasn't until three in the morning were you able to go home. You plopped down on your bed exhausted from all the digging, and slowly fell asleep. But instead of thinking of grave your mind was focused on the one and only. Undertaker.

Undertaker POV-

I crept into (Y/N)'s room as she slept peacefully in her room. I was quiet not to wake her as I made my way to get sleeping form. ' She is so adorable when she sleeps' I thought to myself. Carefully bending over I kissed ( Y/N)'s forehead. " Goodnight my dear." I mutter and quickly crept out of the room.

I slowly closed the door behind me and walked down the hall. My thought traveled back to my wonderful date with (Y/N). Suddenly my thoughts were interrupted as I was stopped by that wicked spider butler, Claude.

" What is it spider?" I said sternly."

" You will not win (Y/N)'s heart you old reaper. She will be mine and mine alone." He said without any emotion at all.

" We shall see about that Spider. We shall see." I chuckled and continued walking down the dark halls.


Hey guys sooo sorry fir the late update and the short chapter!! School has kept me busy!

Monsters Can Love Too (Reader x Sebastian x Claude x Grell x Undertaker)Where stories live. Discover now