A Date with a Prankster

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Your POV-

" (Y/N)~ Wake up!" You heard a voice shout out to you.

" Leave me alone Grell. I'm trying to sleep." You groaned as you turned on your side. 

Grell then sneakily came up beside your sleeping form, and playfully pushed you off the bed. You yelp and your body crashed to the ground with a big thud. Quickly sitting up you glared at the red haired reaper.

" What the crap was that for?!" You shouted.

" I wanted you to get up." He said.

" Why?! It's.." You trailed off and looked at the clock beside your bed. " Eight in the morning! I don't  get up until nine you idiot." She groaned as your hoped back into your bed.

" To bad~ I wanted you to get up early and get ready for out date today~." He sighed dramatically.

That was right, you had completely forgotten about your date with Grell today.  You really couldn't believe that you actually forgot after Grell obsessively talked about it all week. However, at the moment you really didn't care. All you wanted was a couple more minute or hours to sleep. 

You huffed and turn over on your side, with you'd back now facing Grell. You them closed your eyes to try and fall back asleep. However, Grell would not have it your way. Quickly Grell pushed you off the bed sending you down to the cold, hard, ground below once again. Turning your attention to the perpetrator, you glared draggers ay the red haired reaper. If looks could kill, Grell would be dead.

" Why did you do that again?!" You yelled at him.

" To get your lazy butt out of bed silly~." He winked at you.

" That is the last straw you-, Grrrr!" You growled.

Without even finishing your sentence, you pounced towards Grell, tackling  him to the ground. Grell seemed to fangirl at this and let you do what you wanted. This guy was seriously starting to get onto your last nerve.

" Never know you where the forceful type (Y/N)~"

" Shut up Grell!" You screamed at him.

Just before you had the chance to ring the reapers neck, Sebastian entered the room. 

Monsters Can Love Too (Reader x Sebastian x Claude x Grell x Undertaker)Where stories live. Discover now