The End has a New Beginning?

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Slowly, your mind awoke from its unconscious state. Everything was dark, but the faint sound of a heart monitor beeping echoed though out the room. You struggled to open your eyes, but once you managed to open them the first thing you saw was a white room. A hospital room as a matter of fact. A long groan was let heard from across the room as you turned your head to see Sebastian, Claude, Undertaker, and Grell all seated on a single hospital couch. Sebastian was the first to lift his head to look at you. To his surprise you had finally awaken from you short coma. Quickly he lifted himself up from his seat and rushed towards you.

" ( Y/N)! Your awake!" He said.

" What happened?" You groaned.

Grell was the second to rush to your bedside. " You took the new of your parents death rather horribly. You rushed out the door and got hit my a large truck my dear." He sighed.

" Your lucky to be alive. What were you think? How could you just run into the road like that." Claude said as he came up to your bedside. " You worried us all."

" I'm sorry guys. It was just hard you know. Even if they always left fir months and months and I rarely die then. They were still my parents." You signs looking up at the ceiling.

" It's alright deary. Just get some rest. Even if you have been out for two days, you must still be tired." Undertaker said kindly.

You simply nodded before drifting back to sleep.

* Time skip one week later*

You have finally been discharged from the hospital. The guys have all been chipping in to help you. Since you are still recovering they know things can be a but hard for you at the moment. Sebastian and Claude would clean the house, even though they already did that before you got hurt. Undertaker and Grell would take turns helping you walk around the house, while your trying to get your strength back. You knew they were worried for you. Usually your very strange and independent, but seeing you so weak at the moment is strange for them.

Deep down you know they truly cared for you. Much more than just a friend as a matter of fact. Deep down you had those same feelings too. You liked your new friend much more than just friends. You loved them. But you knew you couldn't love all of them as intimate partners. You had to choose only one of your dear friends to pursue. This was the toughest decision you have ever had to make. The biggest question is, who will you choose?

There was Sebastian the loyalist of them all. He was sly, down right sexy, and does everything to the best of his ability. Any black butler Fangirls would die to be in your place. Just like in Black butler he has a dark and sadistic side to him. However, this is what made Sebastian, well Sebastian. Both you and many other fan girls in the world lived him as he is. One hell of a butler.

Then there was Claude. Honestly you have no clue about Claude. Fan girl and boys have dubbed him as a bit of a creeper. Yes you have caught him watching you while you sleep from time, but that was just Claude. Yes he can be a creepy yet a handsome pedo pervert. But he was your pedo pervert. Even if that does sound wrong in many ways.

Undertaker on the other hand was very kind and a bit strange. Yes he liked to burry anything he found dead on the side of the road, saying he needed to make coffins for them. Though it's the thought that counts? Right? He was a sweet reaper and he did make really good dog bone shaped cookies. Plus, that day you spent with him was amazing even if you were sick in bed. He made things in the house very calm and relaxing. There is no reason as to why you didn't love him with all your heart.

Finally there was Grell. A extremely flamboyant reaper that was secretly bisexual. Even though he preferred men, which mainly included Sebastian, he somehow showed affection for you as well. Of course his affection didn't go unnoticed because of Grell just simply being Grell. Though this didn't change your comparison fir the reaper. He was fun to be around and easy to have a heart to heart conversation with. Especially if it included men. Like all the others their was numerous ways you fell for them each. But now the big question is which will you choose?

This question kept ranting though your head. No matter how hard you tried you couldn't decide. You loved them all, but you had to choose one. If ti don't choose one they may end up fighting each other to the death like in all those fanfictions on Quotev! You couldn't let that happen. Expects lot because the ending were always a bit crappy. In the end they fall fir the one who wins! Who does that?! It was now or never, you had to choose.

" Guys I have an announcement." You said picking yourself up from your seat on the couch. After reaching your brain you can to the best conclusion.

" I know you all like-like me. And I know I have to come to a deviation in who to choose. I can be selfish like that girl from Uta no Prince sama! I have to choose one if you before it gets crazy! I choose....





Neither one of you." You said cooly.

" What?! I though you were going to choose one of use and be all living dovey and stuff like those fanfictions I read from your computer history." Grell pouted.

" Yes this is quite confusing." Claude said while pushing up his glasses.

" Well honestly. I do love you all, but none if you have proven yourself worthy of my love!" You said.

" Hiw is that my lady?" Sebastian asked.

" Well yea, you took care of me, helped me, an became my friend, but neither of you have shown me what I'm truly looking for."

" And what you that be?" Undertaker chimed in.

" That me dear is something you must find out in your own." You says proudly.

Suddenly the room began to shake. The wallpaper was tearing apart and the room began to swirl. Soon nothing was left bit an empty house as you, Sebastian, Claude, Undertaker, and Grell were all sucked into a portal. The only thing that guys were thinking of as they were transported was of you.

Sebastain POV;

' I...'

Claude's POV:

' Will..'

Undertaker's POV:


Grell's POV:

" (Y/N)'s...'

Sebastain, Claude, Undertaker, Grell's POV:

' LOVE!!!'

The End.. For Now!!


Hey guys merry Christmas!!! Even if you don't celebrate Christmas think of this as a gift to you! Now don't panic!! This is the end fir Monster's Can Love Too, but don't you fret!! There will be a sequel!! Right after I post this I will post a discs met containing all the information about the sequel! 

Monsters Can Love Too (Reader x Sebastian x Claude x Grell x Undertaker)Where stories live. Discover now