School is Weird

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Class passed by very quickly and was soon over. You watched as everyone left the room leaving you and Sebastian alone. You were still wondering what he wanted with you. 

"(Y/N) I just want to say sorry for sneaking into your school to basically spy on you. You must understand that we were worried about your well being." Sebastian said moving closer to you.

"And I thank you guys for that, but 

I can handle myself." You said trying not to hurt his feelings.

Sebastian smirked at you. He started to move closer and closer towards you. Soon he was right in front of you. His face inches closer to yours. Sebastian's lips were only centimeters away from yours.

"However miss (Y/N) the world is a mysterious place. Anything could happen." You felt his hot breath brush your face causing you to blush.

Right before his lips touched yours he pulled away quickly. He stood up straight and walked over to his desk.

"It seems to be lunch time miss (Y/N). I do not want you to stave so you may go now." Sebastian said.

You sat there for a few seconds trying to comprehend what just happened. 

"Did you hear me (Y/N)? I said you were free to go." Sebastian raised an eyebrow. 

Sebastian's voice tore you from your thoughts. You collected your things and swiftly walked out of the room. Your face was still flustered from yours and Sebastian's 'moment'.

 You silently walked to the lunch room. 'Omg.. Sebastian.. Was about to... Kiss me!! Wtf !!!' You entered the lunchroom and looked everywhere for Grell and Undertaker.

"(Y/N~~~~ There you are!!!" You turned to see both Grell and Undertaker at the end of the lunch line.

You walked up to them and smiled.

"Hey guys thank for waiting on me." You said.

"It's our pleasure malady." Undertaker said.

"What did Bassy want?" Grell asked.

"Oh.. Nothing just saying sorry for of coming to my school without my consent." You said.     

 You all walked through the lunch time without another word. Today they were serving pizza with a side of vegetables. The food in the lunchroom was tolerable and you mentally jack slapped  yourself for not making you own lunch. Once you all got your food you scanned the room for a place to sit.

"(Y/N) over here!!" Yelled a familiar voice.

You turned to see your best friend (F/N) waving her hands in the air. You smiled and walked over to were she was sitting. Grell and Undertaker followed close behind.

 (F/N) had different classes than you do you only saw her at lunch. That was one of the reasons lunch was your favorite time of the day. You had other friends scattered throughout the school but (F/N) was always number one. Unlike your other friends (F/N)  was a huge Otaku just like you which was one of the reasons you both became best friends.

"(Y/N) you will never believe it!!! Two of our new teachers are black butler character!!" She squealed like a fangirl.

"Yea I know." You said making a gesture toward the two reapers behind you.

(F/N) looked behind you to see Grell and Undertaker waving at her awkwardly. You could tell she was about to fangirl over them. It was in her nature .


"Wohh girl! Calm down and I will explain." You said taking a seat next to her.

 You gestured for the Undertaker and Grell to take a seat in front of the two of you. As the rest if lunch went by you explained everything to (F/N). From how they got to your world to ,why they were in your school. 

"Wow.. Your sooo lucky!!! You got four black butler characters living with you!! How could you not tell me earlier!!" (F/N) said throwing her hands in the air.

"Sorry I was kinda shocked that two demons and two reapers somehow end up in my living room. So I kinda forgot to talk to you gurllll." You said sarcastically.

 The bell rang ending your lunchtime.You, Grell, and Undertaker said goodbye to (F/N). As you walked through the halls all you could thing about as your next class.....

.............. Biology...................

~Time skip to in Biology class~

You sat quietly in your desk waiting for Claude to come into the room. Claude had assigned everybody seats leaving you to sit right next to his desk. Grell and undertaker were all the way on the other side of the room so you could not talk to them. 

"Hello class I am Mr. Faustus your biology teacher." Everyone's attention directed to Claude as he entered the room.

 Claude closed the door behind him and walked over to the board in the front of the classroom. He looked to the class but you could tell his gaze was mainly on you.

"Today in biology we are going to learn about the reproduction system of a spider." He said writing it down on the board.

'What?!?!? Is that even considered a lesson in biology you thought.' 

 You must admit it was typical Claide. Always spider this spider that but really? Teach that crap in your school... Man it was going to be a long day...

" Mr. Faustus why are we learning about spiders reproducing." A random kid in you class asked.

"Some of you children my need it fit the future." Claude said with the most devilish smirk you ever saw. His gaze however was detected main towards you.

 'What does he mean by that?? 

O_____o' you thought...

Jeass black butler teachers are weird....

Monsters Can Love Too (Reader x Sebastian x Claude x Grell x Undertaker)Where stories live. Discover now