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Your POV-

 You awoke to the sound of your alarm clock.  Your fist soon collided with the snooze button turning the contraption off. Slowly you fell back into a deep slumber. You were having the best dream ever until......

"Lady (Y/N), its time to wake up. You have school in an hour." Sebastian said as he barged into your room.

" I don't feel well today Sebastian, please just let me sleep." You groaned. 

Sebastian walked over to you and put his gloved hand on your forehead. A conserved look soon appears on his face.

"It appears that you have a very high fever (Y/N)." Sebastian said.

Not to soon after that Claude entered the room. He looked between both Sebastian and me. Once he saw the concern face on Sebastian you could see a slight glint of concern in his eyes.

"What is going on Michaelis?" He asked.

" It seems like (Y/N) is sick." Sebastian sighed.

As of Claude and Sebastian being in your room was enough, Grell soon waltz into the room.

"Oh my sweet (Y/N)~ It's time to wake your pretty like head up!" Grell literally sung. 

"Not now Grell!! (Y/N) is sick!" Claude snapped making everyone in the room freeze.

"Oh so we are all going to spent the whole day making (Y/N) all better!" Grell said excitedly.

"Wait Grell. Must I remind everyone that both Faustus and I have a job. Also you are now a student Grell you cannot just skip school without a good excuse." Sebastian said disappointedly.

"We cannot just let (Y/N) stay here alone. She is to sick to take care of herself." Grell argued.

"That is why only one of us will stay behind to take care of her." Claude said.

"I WILL DO IT!" Grell yelled out.

"No Grell you do not need to skip your grade are already as low as they can be." Sebastian said.

There was a long silence between three men. No one dared to day a word. Then out if the blue everybody heard the door to your room creek open. It was the Undertaker.

"I could stay behind and take care of (Y/N)." He said.

"Yes I think that would be an excellent idea Undertaker." Claude said.

"Wait!!! Why does he get to help her?!?" Grell rebelled.

"Because Grell unlike you Undertaker has the highest grades in the school. I think he can skip today to help (Y/N)." Sebastian said glaring at Undertaker.

Grell signed in defeat and left the room in a big huff. Sebastian and Claude soon followed to fetch an extra blanket and medicine. Only the Undertaker and I were left in the room.

"It seem it will only be you and me today my dear." He chuckled.

'Why....why me....' You signed.

Claude POV-

Stupid undertaker you shall not take (Y/N) from me! She is mine and mine alone. Therefore I should have been the one to take care of her.

Grell POV-

How come Undertaker he to take care of my flower! It's not fare that should be me not that old coot! I swear  undertaker you will pay for this!

Sebastian POV-

I am very jealous of Undertaker right at the moment. If I didn't have duties in the reached school I would have been the one taking care of (Y/N). 

Undertaker POV-

Oh happy day! I get (Y/N) all to myself. I shall win this game and leave the others in my wake. No one is stealing (Y/N) from me. Hehehehehehehe.

~Time skip~

Your POV-

 Sebastian and the others had already left for school leaving only you and the Undertaker.  You were currently in you room laying in bed with a high fever. A sharp pain would come from your stomachs  from time to time. This was hell....

"(Y/N)~ I brought you some chicken soup to help you illness." The undertaker said as he walked into your room with a hot bowl of soup.

Undertaker walked over to your bedside. He pulled one of your (F/C) mushroom chair to the side of the bed and sit in it. He then placed the hot bowl in his lap and filled a spoon with the liquid.

"Open up." He simple said holding the spoon to your mouth.

"Undertaker I think I can feed myself." You argued.

" You are sick my dear, so I will be your honored servant for the day." He said literally shoving the spoon into your mouth.

 You decided not to argue anymore because you felt to bad. Undertaker continued to feed you the soup until the bowl was all gone. He then set the bowl on your night stand and out of nowhere a thermometer was in his hands.

"Ok deary I'm going to take your temperature." He said as he handed you the thermometer.

 You simply nodded and shoved the device into your mouth. You both waited until you heard a ding sound. Undertaker pulled the  thermometer out of your mouth and looked at the temperature. A look of worry soon appeared on his face.

" 102 degrees... My my I think I need to give you some more medication." He said and then left the room.

 After he left you began to feel sleepy. Slowly your eyes closed as you welcomed sleep.

Undertaker POV-

When I returned with (Y/N)'s medicine I was surprised to see her fast asleep. Poor thing she was very sick and needed her rest. Carefully I walked to her bedside and sat back down in my chair.

"Poor thing." I said as I patted her head.

Soon after a watching her for what seemed like hours I began to grow tired. My eye shut as I scepter sleep as well. All of this work is tiring for an old reaper like me.

Your POV-

You woke up about three hours later. You picked up your tired head and looked around the room.  A smile soon grazed your face as you saw the undertaker asleep in the chair beside your bed. The poor guy was truly worried for your health. You laid act down and soon fell asleep once again. A smile graced  your sleeping face.

Monsters Can Love Too (Reader x Sebastian x Claude x Grell x Undertaker)Where stories live. Discover now