Your Little Idiots

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Sebastian, Claude, Grell, and the Undertaker were dressed in modern day clothes. Undertaker even had his bangs pulled back showing off his eyes!! ok (Y/N) dong fangirl!!! Your question was how did they let them into your school!! I mean come on they all look like they are in their twenties and not high schoolers..(sorry of you are not in highschool but this is to make the story make more sense) 

"Excuse me malady but I'm afraid you are confused. Both me and Mr.Faustus are new teachers here. These two are the new students." Sebastian said punting over at Grell and Undertaker.

"Oh I'm sorry! You both looked so young I thought you were students." Your teacher said pretty much flirting with them.

"It is quite fine but done let it happen again." Claude said glaring at your teacher.


Sebastian scanned the room and stop when his eyes landed on you. A wide smile appeared on his face.'What is that idiot doing?!?' You thought.

"Hello students I am Mr. Michaelis and I am the new English teacher. If any of you had Ms.( Your English teacher's name ) she has unexpectedly retired so I will take over." Sebastian said.

" I am Mr.Faustus and I am the new Biology teacher. Sadly Miss.( Your Biology teachers name ) she has been relocated to another school." Claude said.

Not only was Sebastian  your  new English teacher but also Claude is your new Biology teacher. You wondered how they were able to even become teachers?!??  Your life just turned for either the better or worse...

"Well it was nice for the two of you 

to introduce yourselves but I must start my class." Your teacher said.

"It is very understandable Miss." With that both Sebastian and Claude left the room.

"Ok you two how about you introduce yourselves to the class?" You teacher asked Undertaker and Grell.

"Hello everyone~~ My name is Grell!!!! I am a foreign exchange student from England and I'm absolutely thrilled to be here today~" Grell said directing his gaze at you.

"Hello everyone you can all call me Undertaker." Undertaker said.

"Ok you two there are two empty seats next to (Y/N), why don't you both take a seat.

Grell and Undertaker mad their way towards you. Sadly Grell say on one side of you while the Undertake say on the other... So basically you are in school sitting next to two grim reaper... Just your lucky day...

"Psst Grell." You whispered.

"Yes (Y/N)~" Grell dramatically said.

"How did you guys get here?!? And how did you all get in.. I mean you all look flippin twenty !!!" You whispered / yelled.

"You see (Y/N) we have our 'ways'~" Grell said emphasizing 'ways' ...

When Grell said that you installs thought of that one seen in black butler season one.... The nun seen...

"Haha don't worry (Y/N) we did nother to dramatic. Telling by the look on your face you were thinking something bad!! Haha" the Undertaker chuckled

"Ok... Who's idea was it to come to school with me?!?" You asked trying to get off the 'ways' subject.

"Oh that was my idea (Y/N)~~ none of us could stand the thought of you all alone at school so I decided to make everyone play dress up and come here!" Grell said.

..... You should gave known.......

~Time skip to English class~

Apparently Grell and Undertaker had the and classes as you. So basically they were following you around all day long. Right now all three of you were on your way to Sebastian's class. As you walked down the dreaded crowded hallway you tripped on one of the popular girls Jenny's foot.

"Eww get way from me you freaky little weirdo!" She shouted.

"Hey that is not nice!" Undertaker said.

"Yea no one treats (Y/N) that way!" Grell yells.

Jenny looks at the both of them up and down. She seemed to be checking them out or something. Suddenly you felt a hand on your should. 

"What is going on here?" You heard Sebastian say behind you.

"U-um nothing Mr. Michaels." Jenny said blushing at Sebastian.

Jenny put a hand on her hip and flipped her hair. This was obvious to you that she was flirting with Sebastian. I mean cone on he is FRICKIN hot.

 Sebastian seemed to catch on to her action and his grip on your shoulder tightened. You stiffened under his grip as Jenny looked at the both of you.

"Miss Jenny please go to class now. And (Y/N) I believe you were heading to my class. I shall Exocet you there malady." Sebastian bowed a little and offered his arm.

"What about me abd undertaker bassy??" Grell said behind you.

" I think the both of you can gamble yourself." Sebastian glared at Grell.

Sebastian linked his arm with yours and started towards his class room. Grell scoffed at Sebastian's action while the Undertaker did not look to happy.

' Why was Sebastian so rude to them?' You thought.

"Sebastian I have a question.." You said breaking the silence between you.

"I would love to answer your question but it seems like we are here." Sebastian said stopping at his classroom door.

You kept your mouth shut as  you walked into the classroom. You noticed everyone in the room was staring at you since both Sebastian and your arm was interlinked. Sebastian lead you to a seat near his desk and told you to sit.

"Alright class I am Mr. Michaels your new English teacher. Now shall we get started?" He asked the class.

 As Sebastian began to teach you scanned the room for Grell and Undertaker. Soon your eyes landed on the red haired reaper and the gray haired reaper. They were seated on the other side of the room which was pretty far from you. 

"(Y/N)  I want to see you after class is that clear?" Sebastian said.

'Crap what does  he want now... Why does life just hate me!!'You thought..

But after all they are your little idiot..

Monsters Can Love Too (Reader x Sebastian x Claude x Grell x Undertaker)Where stories live. Discover now