Candle Light Dinner with Sebastian

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(Y/N) POV-

You carefully stepped out of the shower cold and wet. Today you were getting ready for your special date with Sebastian. You quickly blow-dried your hair, applied your favorite lotion, and put up only a little make up. Since it was a special occasion you though you might as well put some on. Once finished you walked out of the bathroom, and put on for favorite dress. ( Just choose any dress really). Then you walked back into the bathroom, and began to fix your hair really fancy.

" Lady (Y/N)? Are you ready yet?" You heard Sebastian outside your door.

" Yea, hold on a second! " You shouted back.

Before you left you grabbed your cell phone, and put on your shoes. You opened the door and looked up at the crow demon in front of you. He was wearing a very fancy black suit and tie, with a white rose in the breast pocket. To you he looked very handsome.

" You look as lovely as ever my lady." Sebastian bowed and held out his elbow for you to grab.

You rolled your eyes, and smiled at his politeness. He really didn't have to do that yet he did. You gently grabbed it outstretched elbow. He stood up straight and ushered you forward.

" You know you don't have to do that. It's not like in royalty or anything." You said.

" But you are a lady, and a lady like yourself should be treated with the highest standards." He smiled down at you.

You signed in defeat and continued on with the butler. Suddenly he stopped in mid step causing you to almost trip. You gave him a questioned look. He then began to looked ramble though his pocket for something.

" What are you-" I was cut off by Sebastian blind folding me.

" Shh my lady. I want to surprise you." He whispered into your ear.

You blushes as you felt his hot breath on your ear. He carefully ushered you forward towards your destination. After what seemed like forever you both stopped. Sebastian helped you in a seat, and finally lifted the blindfold off of your eyes.

Once your eyes adjusted to the light, you looked at you new surroundings. Sebastian had set up a beautiful candle light dinner in you dinning-room, but it had a catch to it. The theme of the dinner was cats! ' Of course Sebastian had to incorporate cats into this.' You signed.

" I hope you like it (Y/N). I thought a cat theme dinner would be elegant. Don't you think so too?" Sebastian said as he took the seat in front of me.

" It's always cats with you Sebastian, but the dinner does seem nice." You giggled.

Sebastian chucked at your comment. Then he snapped his fingers together as if summoning someone to the table. You looked behind you as you heard footsteps coming up from behind. Soon a figure came into view.

" Ah Undertaker, how nice of you to volunteer to help be out server fir this evening." Sebastian called out.

" My pleaser Mr. Butler." Undertaker chuckled as he walked out of the shadows.

You clasped your hands over your mouth once you saw Undertaker. You tried your hardest not to laugh at him. There standing beside your table was the Undertaker dressed in a cat maid costume.

" Nyan what would you two like to drink?" Undertaker said. Trying to act like a cat as much as possible.

" I think you know what I have in mind Undertaker." Sebastian smirked.

Undertaker nodded and walked off to get the drinks. You have Sebastian a questioned look, but all you hit in return was a devilish smirk. ' What kind if drink did he order?' You thought. Undertaker waisted no time coming back with the drinks.

" Here you go Nyan Nyan." He said setting down two glasses.

You looked at the liquid that was in the glass. It looked like wine, but didn't Sebastian know that you were to young to have this stuff?? You looked up at undertaker and gave him a questionable look. He looked down and understood what you were mentally asking. Undertaker bent over and whispered in your ear.

" Don't worry dear, it's not really wine. I filled yours up with apple juice." He whispered.

' Apple juice. Really?! They could have at least gave me a Coke! I'm not a little kid!' You thought as you angrily sipped your juice.

" Nyan, what can I get you two to eat?" Undertaker said as he pulled out a pencil and notebook.

" I would like ( Favorite Food) please." You said to Undertaker. Undertaker scribbled it down in his notepad.

Once done Undertaker left without even taking Sebastian's order. You looked over at Sebastian who was smiling widely at you. " Sebastian, why didnt you order anything?" You asked him.

" (Y/N) have you forgotten that I'm a demon? I do not eat human food." He stated.

" Oh yea." You said.

' How did I forget that Sebastian doesn't eat human food?!' You though. ' Arg! I feel stupid now!' You sat there awkwardly after that. Looking down at your hands you twittled your thumb together.

" So (Y/N)." Sebastian broke the silence between the two of you. " You look very pretty in that dress. You should wear fancy things like that more often." He smirked looking you up and down.

" Thank you? However, Im not rich or anything like your so called young master. Plus I don't anything to happen to my dress. It's the only dress I have. Also it's sorta uncomfortable that's why I only wear it on occasions" You said sticking out your tongue at the demon.

Sebastian returned your gesture. For the next half hour both Sebastian and you had a silly face war. Romantic right? Soon Undertaker walked in on your little war making it end very quickly.

" Here is your food dear. Please enjoy." Undertaker said placing a plate of your ( favorite food) in front of you.

" Thank you." You said.

Undertaker nodded and left you to eat with Sebastian. You picked up your fork and shoved some of the food into your mouth. It was very delicious. You continued to eat until there was nothing left on your plate.

" That was awesome! Whoever made that did a great job." You said as you set your fork down.

" Im glad you liked it (Y/N)." Sebastian said

Getting up from his seat, Sebastian walked over to you. He held a hand out to you, and you gladly took it. Sebastian helped you up. You looked up into his eye as he stared into yours. Slowly, without even noticing the two of you stared to lean in closer. Your lips were only inches apart. They almost met until-.

" (Y/N)~! The toilet is clogged again! Please fix it for me~ I ate a terribly large burrito for lunch and I'm now regretting it~!" Grell shouted as he barged into the room.

Both you and Sebastian quickly pulled away. Sebastian glared at the red haired reaper for ruining his moment with you. With a sign, you walked back to your room and changed out of your dress. You put on some older raggedy clothes so you could fix the stupid toilet for Grell.

' Grell! Why did you have to ruin my perfect moment!' You almost screamed.


Hey guys sorry for the REALLY late chapter! I have been REALLY busy with school so I haven't had time to write hope y'all understand!!

Monsters Can Love Too (Reader x Sebastian x Claude x Grell x Undertaker)Where stories live. Discover now