OMG ! Black Butler!

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( Y/N's ) POV

"Man!!! I  wish that I could meet Sebastian, Claude, Grell, and the Undertaker, or any of the black butler characters really!! I would just die!!" You signed.

You were currently  watching the all night black butler marathon. Black butler is your favorite anime ever. You loved all the characters ,but my top four favorites were Sebastian, Claude, Grell, and the Undertaker.  You have always wished that somehow you could  meet them. Sadly in your heart you know  that could never be

since they were fictional characters.

 It was getting pretty late so you decided to go to sleep. You turned off your tv and snuggled under the covers as you fell into a deep sleep.

~Time skip~

Today was like any other day... BOREING!!!! Your parents are pretty much never home because of 'business'  so  you are alone all the time. 'Urggggg this sucks none of my friends will pick up the phone so I have no one to talk to!!!!! BORING!!!!!!' You shouted in your mind.


 Suddenly the whole room was  engulfed by a blinding white light. You lifted your hand shielding your ( e/c ) eyes.'Is this the end for me??? But I still have things I want to do!! Like ride on a unicorn named Charlie!!' You cried.

 The light soon started to fade slowly. You uncovered your eyes once you thought the light had fully faded away. Scanning the room with your eyes you looked for the source of the mysterious light. You looked down to the floor and gasped. You did not find the source of the light but you did find four very familiar beings, unconscious on your living room floor.

"Oh my glob...... I have to be dreaming...," you said in awe.

You could not believe what you were seeing. Four of your absolute favorite black butler character of all time were unconscious on your living rom floor. From what you could see theses characters were Sebastian, Claude, Undertaker, and the flamboyant Grell. 

 Slowly you crept to Sebastian's unconscious body. You crouched over his body. Slowly you moved your  hand towards his face.

"Boop." You said as you poked his nose.

"Whelp now I know I'm not dreaming or crazy!" You said mainly to yourself.

'Hummm I wonder if I should let them sleep.. Or wake them up........... NAP TIME IS OVER!!!'

You started to shake Sebastian's body rapidly trying to wake the crow demon. Suddenly a white gloved hand forcefully grabbed your hand. You looked down at the crow demon who was now wake. Sebastian picked himself up off of the floor and now towered above you.

" Who are you? And where is my young master!" Sebastian shouted still holding your wrists in a death hold.

"Um..... I-" you were cut off by another voice. 

"What are you dong Michaelis?" You glanced over Sebastian's shoulder to reveal  the new voice was Claude.

" Yes what are you doing to that lovely maiden Mr. Butler." The now wake Undertaker chimed in.

" I am trying to find out where we are." Sebastian answered. 

"If you all give me a chance I can explain you idiot!" You snapped.

Sebastian let go of your wrists and  everyone in the room stared at you. Except of Grell who was sleeping like a log. A hot log that is 0____0.. Crap get your mind together (Y/N ) ...

"Ok everyone sit on the couch and I will explain  everything shortly... Once everyone is wake." You said glancing toward Grell.

You walked over to Grell and thought of a way to wake him up.

"GRELL WAKE UP!! SEBASTIAN SAYS HE WANTS TO MARRY YOU!!" You shouted earning a tick mark from a not so happy Sebastain.

"BASSY~~~!" Grell shouted springing up from his spot in the floor... Well now he is awake.

Grell looked around the room until his eyes landed on you.

"Oh what a dirty trick! Anyway where am I? And how did you know my name?!?" Grell said.

"I will explain  once you sit down on the couch with the others." You said pointing at a couch full of black butler characters.

 After Grell took a seat next to Sebastian you started your story.

" Hello my name is ( Y/N )  and welcome to my home... Sooo I was just sitting in the couch you all are sitting in now. Suddenly a weird light flashed and I was like .. OMG ALIENS ATE CMING TO SUCH MY BRAIN OUT!!!! But then I saw you weirdos." You explained leaving out the part about turn being from an anime. It was to much to explain.. And you were to lazy to do so.

"All I remember is I was about to serve yea to my master." Sebastain said.

"Me as well." Claude chinned in again.

"I was looking for my one true love Bassy~~" Grell said hugging Sebastian's arm.

"And I was making coffins." The undertaker said.

 "But that still doesn't explain how you know my name?" Grell added.

"..... Um... Name tag?" You lied trying to to have to get on THAT subject..

"He is not wearing a name tag." Claude said with no emotion.

 With a sigh you hung your head in defeat. For the next hour you 'tried' to explain to them that in this world they were not real. Instead they were super hot anime characters. Leaving out the super hot part since that would just be awkward. Once you were done explaining you looked at the four awaiting for one of then to break the silence. 

"So we are characters of a what you call a... Anime?" The Undertaker asked.

" And we are stuck here until we figure out how to get home?" Claude added.

"Yes and yes. Thankfully my parents are always on business trips so it will only be us four. One of you can in the recliner, two can sleep on either of the couches, and one can take the spare bed in the other room." You said.

This was going to be a LONG day.

~Time skip~

(Y/N's) POV

It has been a long day of preparing the house for  you new guests. It was late so you bid them all good night and went off to bed. What you didn't know was that a large black spider on the  window seal.Watched you as you  slowly fell asleep.

Sebastian's POV-

Lady (Y/N) is quite an interesting human. Not to mention very lovely and kind. Her (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes go very well together. Even though she knows that both Claude and me are demons. Which is quite strange, I would have thought that she would cower in fear begging for  her life to be spared.. Quite an interesting human in deed.

Claude's POV-

I watched lady (Y/N) as she slept. Her soul is so tempting that I could taste it. It was sweet yet bitter and so very pure. Such a rare soul to behold. Even better than Ceil Phantomhive's soul.

Undertakers POV-

The girl who took us in is quite nice....(Y/N) I think her name was.. Hehehe... Is I quite silly too. The way she does things is very cute and funny. My stay in his works will be quite interesting..

Grell POV-

I'm so happy that I'm stuck in another world with my Bassy~. It's soooooo romantic!! I'm glad that the (Y/N) girl took us in~ she is sooo very sweet. Cute is very cute as well~ she would look so beautiful in red~. 


Hey guys~~~~ 

As usual the first chapter might be boring but the promise that it will be better i. The next chapter. I just had to introduce the story and crap.

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Monsters Can Love Too (Reader x Sebastian x Claude x Grell x Undertaker)Where stories live. Discover now