Zoo Trip

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Your POV-

The sound of children screaming and laughing caught your ear. The smell of dirty animals filled the air. Today you decided to treat the guys to a day out. You let them pick where they wanted to go but they all got into a fight so you decided for them. The zoo!

"(Y/N)? Why did you take us to a place full of filthy animals?" Grell asked

"Grell your so mean! They might be smelly but they have to live in a cage! What do you expect?!" You yelled at him drawing the people around us to stare at us.

"Come on guys lets just get this over with." You muttered as you stomped off.

You were a little made because Grell made a scene and he ruined the excitement. You dragged the four of then though the crowd of people to see some animals.

"Ok guys what do you want to see first?"

"The flamingoes!!!!" Grell squealed.

" I would not mind going to the reptile room." Claude said.

" I would love to see the fish." Undertaker said.

"And I want to see the tigers." Sebastian smirked.

You signed trying to figure out everything.' Ok first we will go to the tigers, then the flamingos, next the fish, and finally the reptile room.' You thought.

"Ok Sebastian since we are closer to the tigers we will go there first." You said ushering the others along the paths. After a few twists and turns you all finally arrived. You signed and leaned against the rail watching the tigers pace around their pin.

"So. Elegant. Eyes full of innocence. Must stay calm." You heard Sebastian mutter to your left.

You giggled and watched the tigers for a few more minutes. You were about to leave until you saw something terrible. Sebastian had left your side and was now down in the tigers pin.

"Oh my god." You muttered.

People started to scream when they saw him.You screamed his name but he was to focused on the tiger he was petting. Suddenly a moment from Black butler season three happend. The tiger bit his head. Why does this crap alway happen?!

~ Time Skip~

After hours of having to talk to the manager you were finally on your way to the flamingos. You all were lucky to have not been kicked out. Lets just say Sebastian did done smooth talking but not like the times he did in the anime! It was normal talk.

After a few minutes of walking you all arrived at the flamingos. You watched them walk around and eat bird seed out of people hands.

"OHHH~ the flamingos are so elegant! Don't you think (Y/N)!" Grell squealed.

"Yea they are."

"They are a little too pink in my opinion." Undertaker said.

You signed as you turned your attention back to the pink birds. However as you watched a very unsatisfying thing happend. Two of the the flamingos were um. Doing things.

"Mommy mommy! What are they doing?" A little girl asked her mother pointing at the pair if pink birds.

"Um.. They are playing tag sweet heart." She replied.

"Oh no Madame you are dreadfully wrong!" Grell said to the woman.

' Oh no." You thought.

" Those flamingos are not playing a game they are-"

" Grell shut up there are kids here!" You interrupted Grell.

"But (Y/N) they are feeding these kids lies!" He said.

You covered Grells mouth with your right hand and left the flamingos. You could not believe he did that ,and while all this was happening, the Undertaker was laughing like crazy in the background.

'God I don't think taking them to the zoo was a good idea.' You signed.

~Time skip~

After dragging Grell and the others to the other side of the zoo you all were finally to the fish. You all entered the small building and looked around. There were so many fish. You walked over to the Undertaker to see which fish he was looking at.

" Those are pretty clown fish." You said.

" Yes they are. It make me miss my swimmy at home." Undertaker chuckled.

You giggled and turned you attention back to the fish. You heard Undertaker tap on the glass with his long black nail. He continued for a few moments when suddenly a cracking sound was hear. Your head whipped around to see a leak in the glass where Undertaker was tapping.

"Oh crap! Everybody out if her before the manager or an employee comes!" You said running out of the fish house as the other followed.

"Why does this always happen to me!"

~Time skip~

Thankfully you had not been caught by anyone after the fish accident. You were at your wits end with this trip. But you still had one more place to visit. The reptile room.

You really didn't know why Claude wanted to go there button didn't ask question. You all entered the house full full of reptiles and such. Lets just hope this end better than the other visits.

Claude's POV-

I walked around the room full of snakes and turtles. I didn't know why I wanted to come here but I have on other interest in the animals outside.

As I was looking something caught my eye. Over to the corner was three cases with something in it. I came closer to get a better look and to my horror all the boxes were filled with spiders.

'My babies!' I screaming in my thoughts.

Carefully without anyone seeing I opened the latch to the cage boxes. The spiders inside poorer out in a scramble.

" Be free my brethren. Be free!" I shouted.

Every human including (Y/N) and the others looked at what I had done. I watched as my fellow spiders crawled along the floor fleeing from their prison.

"Spiders!" A random women screamed.

Soon everyone started to flee in a panic. Human pushed each other I am effort it escape. Once everyone left only (Y/N) and the other stood in their place.

" Oh come on!" (Y/N) shouted up at the ceiling.

~Time Skip~

Your POV-

"Get out and never come back!" The owner of the zoo shouted at us.

After the spider incident the owner found out about all the other miss haps. So he band us from his zoo for life. You should have never brought them here.

"Oh cheer up (Y/N)." Undertaker said.

" How do you expect me to cheer up when you all just got use kicked out oh the zoo!" You shouted.

"We can alway come back in a year or two.They will never remember you." Grell said.

"They took our fingerprints and mug shot!" You screeched.

"Oh yea. Well we are never going back there again." Grell said.

"Honestly I should have never taken you guys!" You said.

Monsters Can Love Too (Reader x Sebastian x Claude x Grell x Undertaker)Where stories live. Discover now