Chapter 15

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I followed Tom and Milly's location and wiped away my tears before anyone sees me. I mean, it was stupid of me to like Lilly. Why would anyone like someone like me anyways? I guess we're just not right for each other...
As I found them, I grinned until they noticed that Lilly isn't with me and asked where she was.
"Uhm something came up and she had to leave." I said quickly.
"Oh that's fine." Jake grins as Molly is leaning onto his shoulder.
"Wait Molly, Jake? Are you two-" I started.
"Together? Yep." Jake and Molly grinned.
"Wow... Good for you." I smiled quietly. Well, I guess it's not just Jacob who coped well with his partner. I'm starting to get a bit jealous that I'm not the great guy everyone wanted me to be.
"Anyways we found a handbag." Tom says as Milly showed it to us. "Could this be it?"
"It could." Skye says slowly. "We need to check with Sarah though!"
"Alright guys, thanks so much for helping this morning." Molly grins. "We'll look again next time and remember, if you find anything warn us!"
I then walked in the same direction as Skye and Jacob to walk back home.
"Hey Noah, I realized you don't look yourself, what happened?" Skye asked.
"Oh I'm uh fine..." I said slowly.
"Cmon, you can talk to us." Jacob says. "We're always here for you."
I trusted them so I told them about Lilly. How I actually had feelings for her but she said she liked someone in particular. I wanted to see if she liked me so I kissed her randomly and then she got uncomfortable and annoyed and walked home.
"Oh my-" Jacob says. "I'm sorry about that..."
"Yea, I guess I'm just not the guy everyone wanted me to be." I grinned sadly.
"That's not true!" Skye argued. "We accept you and we understand why you did it. From a girl's perspective, I would advise you to not do that to a girl you like. Just be patient about it. Trust me if she doesn't like you back, she definitely needs you Noah. As a best friend and she can't afford to lose you."
"Honestly, it wasn't easy for me to get Skye's attention." Jacob added. "She hated me so much and god, it was hard but worth it. You need to talk to her mate."
"Will do..." I said. My friends may be able to have the courage to talk to the girls over and over again but I don't. I don't want to be the person that'll keep trying when there's no point. I believe Skye when she said Lilly definitely needs me but I don't want to make the moves anymore.

I've been staying at Jacob's for 3 weeks now and I'm surprised my parents didn't realize. I guess I need to get back...
When I got back home I hated the way my dad looked at me.
"WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN!?" He shouted. "You've been gone for 3 weeks young lady and now we're going to have to punish you!"
He threatened to send me to another college and never come back to this city so that I can separate from my band. He even threatened to recycle or burn all my microphones.
"No! This is going too far. I won't let you do this Ashton!" My mum said as she stood up. "You can't just throw away her dreams like that. She's 16. She's old enough to make her own decisions!"
"She needs to learn her lesson. She wasn't back for 3 weeks." My dad grumbled.
"Well do you ever think about why?" My mum asked. "Because I think I do. Someone in particular at home has been making her feel uncomfortable."
"This is ridiculous." My dad yelled as he drops his glass plate onto the floor on purpose and went back to his room.
"Mum... Am I really going to another college?" I asked.
"Nope. If you want to stay to pursue your career, I'm happy for you to stay." she grinned.

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