Chapter 18

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I have nothing to say except that it's a normal day at college. It was really strange because my father wasn't back home last night and I'm having some worry that something might've happened to him. I walked miserably in the quiet morning corridors of Sweet Thirteen College. I then spotted Officer Typhoon, police officer of this college walking out of his office.
"Fiara I need to discuss with you about something." He said calmly. "Would you mind sitting down in my office?"
"Of course." I answered as I walked in to take my seat.
I was nervous and scared aboutt why Officer Typhoon wanted to talk to me. Did I do anything wrong?
"What did I do wrong sir?" I asked nervously.
"You didn't do anything wrong." He sighed. "I just wanted to let you know about your father..."
My heart froze. Could Officer Typhoon know anything about why my father didn't come home yesterday?
"W-What is it?" I stuttered.
"Your father was sent to prison yesterday. I was told to tell you since you and your mom probs didn't know..." He said.
"Wait why?" I cried.
"We found out he was responsible for the disappearance of Isla Lloyd and Sara Spice." He explained. "I'm really sorry Fiara..."
"How long is he sentenced for?" I asked.
"If he doesn't explain to us why he did it then he'll be sentenced for 5 years or longer." He said.
"Okay thank you..." I said as I walked out of the room, tears stinging in my eyes. Why?? Why did it have to be my father who did this? Did he really do it?
I had to be stuck in college for the whole day with everyone giving me dirty looks or move away from me whenever I'm near. I feel terrible but the one who gave me the darkest looks was Sarah Riston. I don't blame her. My father took her friends away for 3 months. I am upset, frustrated and angry at him for this mess.
After college, I walked up to the Chapter Police Station. I need to speak to my father about this and know more. I ended up walking inside of the reception as they kindly greeted me.
"Hello, how can we help you?" The receptionist smiled.
"Pls can I see Yoshi Edens." I asked.
"Of course. Gimme a moment." She says as she calls a police officer in to guide me to my father's cell.
As I walked in nervously, he saw me with sadness.
"I can't believe you did that." I muttered.
"I'm sorry..." he said.
"It's too late now." I sighed. "You've done enough damage. Bye dad..."
I turn and sadly left the station ready to walk home. Then again, what if he didn't do it!? He doesn't seem like the kind of person to do something like this to minors. I don't know anymore...

"Are you sure we should look again?" I asked as we're walking in Mess Thirteen Woods at night.
"Yes. We're not finished with what we need to find." Molly says.
"The only thing we really need to do now is to find Isla and Sara..." Sarah says determined. "Hoping they're still alive..."
"I really can't believe Fiara's father did this." Skye grumbles. "I'm glad he's caught."
"If she dares to come anywhere near me watch, her head isn't gonna be attached to her body any longer!" Sarah threatens aggressively. I'm starting to feel bad for Fiara. I don't even think she should be blamed for her father's wrongdoings but of course I never say anything because I'm afraid of starting arguments.

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