Chapter 24: Christmas Eve

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Days upon days passed and the hollowness in my heart has grown to such an immense amount that the sadness on my face can be seen by everyone.

I smile and act as if everything is okay with me but dad somehow always knows when I'm sad. I promised Chris that I would be strong but that's near impossible with all these damn pregnancy hormones.

"You don't need to pretend you know," I hear dad say behind me. I jump slightly, turning to face him as he sends Lisabeth away.

"Dad," i let out breathlessly and he sighs.

"You don't know how good it feels to hear you say that, piccolina," he mumbles before smiling at me, "I know you miss Christian."

I look down and wring my hands together, "We've never been apart this long before."

The admission makes me realize that a few days apart was nothing when we now started but its always been 2-3 days. It's been almost two weeks now and with everything going on I don't care; I just need to see him.

"I miss your madura too," dad admits, "Ronald Lugo never deserved her."

"You mean Lisa's dad?" I question curiously.

"Yes," he hisses and his hands turn into fists, "Your grandmother never allowed her to leave that scumbag, or else you would have grown up here, with me."

The thought of Lisa and I growing up here together makes me shudder. She already hated me back home, she would have probably killed me had we been here.

"Dad, I think everything worked out fine," I admit, "Had we all been here, you may not have had a daughter still...or even been alive."

He stiffens, looking to his side as he thinks, "I still can't believe I wasn't there. If I'd been there she wouldn't have gotten to you."

I rest a hand on his shoulder and his dark eyes meet mine, "Dad, it wasn't your fault. Chris tried everything in his power to protect me and all it took was one silly mistake, believing I can be just a few steps away from him."

"Still," he whispers, "I should have been there."

"You're here now, so that's all that matters now,"

He gives me a smile before pulling me into a hug, "You have no idea how much you are like your mother."

At the thought of mom, I frown. Has anyone told her where I am? Does she even care?

Hours passed slowly but soon I am watching the sunset. Lisabeth is clinging promptly to my shoulders, her little legs barely wrapped around my stomach.

So this is Christmas Eve in Sicily.

"Mommy?" my daughter whispers.

"Yes, sweetheart?" I reply quietly, not wanting to ruin the peaceful mood.

"Do you think daddy's seeing this too?" she questions making tears brim around my eyes.

"I sure hope so, baby," I choke out.

My first Christmas as a married woman, and I am spending it alone. I close my eyes breathing in the chilly air and relax.

Chris, I hope all this is worth it.



meanwhile....back home...

"Do we have everything?" Roger asks in a panicked tone for the 20th time since we've been in the air. I roll my eyes as Levi slaps him behind his head.

"Quit fucking worrying," he sighs exasperated, "The gifts are all wrapped, the groceries are all packed, the guns are in check and half your security squad has already gone ahead of us."

"Are you sure its okay that we're bringing Aunt Lydia, Chris?" Manolo asks as I glance at the bruised woman.

I have no idea how Chloe is going to react when she finds out that bastard Ronald has been beating up on Lydia.

She sits at the far back away from us, ashamed and I'm very sure scared out of her mind. Although she is divorced from Ronald, her family still considers him her legitimate husband.

When I visited her a few days ago, i saw the horrific scene. I intervened and let's just say Ronald won't be waking up for a while.

I checked her entire being for tracking devices and destroyed them all, down to her clothes had chits embedded in them.

I decided to bring her along because God knows the woman has suffered enough. She deserves some kind of happiness.

"We can't leave her at home anymore," I tell him quietly, " Have that entire estate burnt down and make it look like an accident. Ronald cannot find a way to trace her to Sicily."

He nods and goes over to his shaken aunt. Her face is so black and blue and while i was hoping we can have a nice family Christmas, I know half of the day will be spent in tears and anger.

My parents are also on their way to Sicily. I know they will have allot of questions and unfortunately I'll have to answer them.

We've been in the air for hours now and the closer we get to Sicily, the harder my heart beats. The thought of finally having Chloe in my arms again excites me to no end.

To see the face of my beautiful daughter and to talk to my unborn child, to finally have my family in my presence again will be the greatest gift I ever got for Christmas.

"Levi, do you think, Rachel is gonna like her present?" Roger asks his brother frantically and I can't help but chuckle.

He loves playing alpha male. I am sure by now, my sister has shown him just how much of a spitfire she can be. There must have been times where they almost killed each other, yet he turns to mush over a fucking present.

"Can you stop fucking asking that?!" his twin snaps, "The girl hasn't seen you in weeks. You really think she will be concerned about some stupid gift?"

I roll my eyes but I know I am feeling the same anxiety as well. My Chloe, I am coming to you.


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