Chapter 9: Girls Day Out

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I somehow convinced Christian to give me some time to study before just jumping into a new profession.

He'd insisted I start the next day but after some consideration he agreed to my terms. It is currently the weekend now and like most everyday, my phone has a hundred unanswered calls from my mom.

Lydia and Ryan took Lisabeth out for the day and Christian is working as usual in his home office. He came down to check on me a few times and I am grateful for that but I need a day out.

As if by reading my mind, my phone rang and the picture of my best friend popped up on the screen.

I immediately picked it up, "Hey. What's up?"

"What's up is the girls and I are outside and we're coming to take you out."

That said, she hung up the call and then the front door swung open revealing my friends.

A surge of happiness travelled through my veins; I haven't seen them since the funeral.

Ruben, Margo, Leana and Rachel all regarded me with judging eyes. With everything going on, I've even forgotten to call them.

"Hey guys!" I exclaimed with a big smile and Margo rose her brow at me.

"Where is that fucktard brother of mine?" Rachel demanded immediately. I pointed to the office and she simply barged him.

I couldn't help but shake my head at her. The girl is more of my sister than his sometimes.

"Your starting to show," Margo muses. I gestured to the couch and they all sat, eyes on my belly.

"I'm about three months now," I whisper back shyly.

"Well, I think you make a fine mother. Look at you! You're literally glowing," Leana comments excitedly; and just like that conversation starts up.

We could hear the siblings yelling at each other in the office but we paid no mind to them. I was used to their arguments by now.

I still remember the one from the day of our photoshoot. Up to this day, I have no idea what they said to each other and I never have the guts to ask.

Christian stormed out the office, just as Margo was about to speak and made me stand from my place; wrapping both arms around me and pressing his nose in the crook of my neck.

"You can't keep her locked in here forever, Chris! She needs fresh air and socialism!" Rachel screams, storming out after him.

I sighed in frustration. I swear to God if these two keep fighting like this after the baby is born I'm not letting either one near him or her.

I slowly rubbed my husband's back in a soothing matter and sighed softly.

"My damn wife," he mumbles into my neck sending shivers down my spine. I chuckled at his childlike behavior.

"My fucking best friend!" Rachel snapped back at him.

I roll my eyes at their childishness, "Let's make this easier. How about we have a sleep over?"

Christian rose his head to look at me and the disapproval in his eyes told me everything I needed to know.

"Fine, take her out," he finally relents after a few minutes of staring at me, "Have her back her by 7; not 7:30, not 8 o'clock but 7 o'clock on the dot."

He places a kiss on my lips and then gives his sister a stern look before heading back into his office.

My best friend gave me a triumphant smile and looped her arms in mine. "Come on girls. We're taking the limo," she announces with a snicker.

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