Chapter 15: First Day at Work

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I sighed  heavily, looking at the tall office building. What was my husband thinking? Rachel beside me was being her usual goofy self but it looked odd with her wearing a pink striped shirt and a black pencil skirt. I stuck to a cream sweater dress with a black scarf around my neck because dresses are the only thing fitting me perfectly right now.

I only noticed a few days ago that Rachel didn't get her hair trimmed; it was now a little way passed her shoulder. I'm so used to her trimming her ends every time they get long. It doesn't seem to bother her too much either because she styled her hair to suit her outfit.

"Ready to head in, Latina?" she questions excitedly from beside me. I gave her a tired but affirmative look and she turned the car of. As I got out my mind ran back on this morning when her and Christian went at it, fighting over who gets to take me to work.

Obviously, his obnoxious sister won. Ray always had to win. We trudged up to the building, the guards slightly bowing to us in respect as we entered. The receptionist at the table didn't even bat an eyelash as we walked right passed her and approached my husband's private elevator. I pressed the up button and waited patiently for it to open.

Rachel's nerves were getting to her though. It's her first real job. The girl's never worked a day in her life before. I couldn't help but chuckle as she started to pray in Spanish under her breath. She's spent enough time around me that she just randomly switches to Spanish. It's kind of great because we can talk in Spanish to each other and no one has to know what we're saying.

The elevator pinged and we both entered just as the rude secretary from the other day came rushing up. The doors were almost closed but she somehow managed to stop it and enter with a triumphant look on her face.

"Excuse me," I started and barely glanced at me, "This is the C.E.O's elevator. I believe you should be taking the next one."

"I was told to meet up with you and escort you to the conference room," she replies rather professionally but I hear the bite in her voice. I open my mouth to reply but the elevator opened out into Chris' office. We left immediately and she showed us where the conference room was. It was right next to the employee elevator. I grit my teeth in annoyance at this girl.

There's just something about her that's blood curdling. I go to knock but the secretary beat me to it and she opened the door allowing the three of us to enter simultaneously. The moment my eyes met with those crystal blues, all irritation went away. Why does he have this effect on me?

"As you all know, I have assigned a design committee to help with the advertising and make up of the exterior of the products." my husband started. He motioned for me to come to him and I did exactly that, almost tripping on the secretary's high heels. Thank God, I avoided it.

Christian put his arm around my waist and pressed a firm kiss to me temple, surprising everyone at the table. "This is my wife, Chloe Humphrey. She is the head of the Design Committee along with my wonderful sister, whom you all know," he introduced smoothly.

The dark skinned secretary looked annoyed by me as I glance toward her but I paid no mind to her. Chris then nudges his head toward the tall girl, "You all know Monique, she will also join the committee as of today."

So that's her name. She doesn't look like a Monique though; I'll find a name for her later. The members around the table cheered welcoming us and I feel my cheeks heat up. Things are happening so fast that feel dizzy.

Before I know it, we were given an office and work area and we were going over designs for roadside advertisements. We'd been working all day before I took a seat to catch my breath. Monique gave me a sneer, "Aren't you the boss here? Why are you taking a break?" I roll my eyes, ignoring her and unconsciously started rubbing my stomach.

I was suddenly feeling for beef samosas with cheese. I always hated beef and cheese together so why this weird combination now? "You alright there, Latina?" my best friend called to me. I look over at the clock and sighed; half hour again before lunch but my baby is hungry now.

"Don't tell me you're already hungry? Did you not eat breakfast?" Monique badgered. I grit my teeth in annoyance.

"Don't talk about shit you don't know about," I retorted almost snapping, "The fact that you are talking to me with that level of disrespect shows me exactly how much you don't respect your boss."

She snorted and I glance at Rachel; the girl was ready to jump on this bitch's back and I honestly wouldn't stop it, "I do respect Mr. Humphrey. Who I don't respect is women like you. Women that have nothing better to do than mooch off huzzy's money. You think just because you're the boss' wife we gotta respect you? No sis, you need to respect us because Boss always says business is more important that family."

She smirks at the end as she sees my shocked expression. Christian wouldn't say that, would he? "Bitch, you better wipe that stupid smirk off your damn face!" Rachel growled to Monique who just rolled her eyes. "You underestimate, Chloe. You, hunny, you don't want to mess with her; my brother will do anything for her so I suggest you apologize immediately."

Monique screwed her lip up in a mocking manner, "Just proves you're good for nothing. Depending on a man rather that fighting you own-"

"Do not make statements that you cannot back up as true." I cut in, "You don't know me but I know why you hate me. What's so special about me, right? Why would he choose me, right? Let me hit you with the 411. You cannot judge someone without knowing the story and if you knew the story; darling you'd have nightmares. Now excuse me."

That said, I picked up my phone and dialed my husband's number. I really cannot wait for those samosas. he picked up on the first ring, "Is baby craving again?"

His question put a smile on my face and nod only to realize that he can't see me; how silly of me. "Yes," I whisper back. He chuckles and I can hear him calling Carson into his office.

"What is it this time, baby?"

"Beef samosas with cheese and a large soda please,"

He chuckles, "It'll be over there in a few minutes okay? Now I need to get back to this meeting."

"See you at lunch?"

"See at lunch." He hung up after that and I sighed happily. I glance at my two associates to see Ray on the phone; no doubt with Roger and Monique looking at me with realization. Her eyes roam to my stomach and she covered her mouth with both hands.

Panic started rushing through my veins as those two words, full of realization passed though her lips.

"You're pregnant."


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